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Find the most frequent questions about lucid dreaming

Yes, it is! It was proven multiple times.

In 1975, the British parapsychologist Dr. Keith Hearne prooved it scientifically, for the first time. 

Afterward, in 2009, another study found that lucid dreams enable us to tap into even higher states of consciousness than waking reality!

There were even more researches, so if you are interested, find out more about it here.

The benefits of lucid dreaming are quite extraordinary. Some of the greatest uses:

  • Lucid dreams help you to overcome fears and phobias
  • Can help with solving significant problems or taking important decisions 
  • Practice and improve real-life skills
  • Overcome/stop nightmares
  • Lucid dream for emotional healing 
  • Connecting to your inner self
  • Having lots of fun, experiencing the IMPOSSIBLE
  • Explore beyond imagination!

Lucid dreaming it’s not dangerous. However, there are some small risks, that you might take into consideration, including:

  • Experiencing realistic feelings such as sadness – Negative feelings like that can occur in a dream state, exactly like in our daily life.
  • Difficult to recognize what is real and what is a dream – Even though it is not common, it is possible to happen. If you are afraid that you can have difficulties to tell the difference between dreams and reality, the best thing you can do is to have a dream journal.
  • Using lucid dreams as a form of escapism -Escapism is healthy if it is used in the norms. However, if you are doing it too much, it can be harmful to your productivity and personal growth.

As a beginner, you should start with a few essentials:

  1. The first is dream journaling, which will improve your dream remembrance.
  2. The second is reality checking – this is a simple action, that will assure whether you are in the real OR the dream world. It is a very simple technique, yet, super effective.
  3. The next step will be becoming more aware of your surroundings. This will be easily completed by meditation. Another way is ADA, which is All-day-awareness technique.

After you are habitually doing all of the essentials above, you can try a lucid dreaming technique, such as:

  • Wake Back To Bed Technique (WBTB) – With WBTB, we can manipulate our sleep patterns and target REM sleep.
  • Wake-initiated lucid dream (WILD) – With this method is having a very high success rate and it is favorite between scientists. This Mind Awake / Body Asleep technique will let you jump directly from a waking state into a lucid dream.
  • Finger induced lucid dream (FILD) – FILD includes interrupting your sleep. You should wake up after 4-6 hours. Then you should go back to sleep, performing the technique.
  • Mnemonic Induction of Lucid Dreams (MILD) – A study proved that it works in 14 days. It is aimed at beginners, and you should not have any special skills or qualifications. The MILD technique will help you to increase your self-awareness, making it easier to recognize when you are dreaming.


Sleep paralysis is a normal and natural process. It happens every night to keep us from acting out our dreams. Lucid dreaming itself doesn’t cause sleep paralysis.

However, a very powerful technique, called Wake Initiated Lucid Dreams (WILD) can involve sleep paralysis. It is a very effective way of becoming lucid, since the technique keeps your consciousness awake while your body is falling asleep.

A lot of people experience this state, simply because it is quite normal.

While we sleep our body enters in REM atonia. REM atonia is crucial for healthy sleep!

This state keeps our body to stay still, while we sleep and dream.

The truth is that sleep paralysis is the IDEAL ”portal” to lucid dreaming.

The best thing you can do is to INFORM yourself:

Anyone who dreams can learn how to lucid dream!

The truth is that even if you don’t remember, we ALL dream, each and every night, multiple times!

(with rare cases of people, struggling with some sleep problems and suffering from specific conditions)

Lucid dreaming is a skill, so with the right approach – anyone can learn it! The point is to train how to recognize when you are in the dream world.

It will work differently for everybody! To give you an estimation:

  • for most people, it will take between 2-6 weeks. 

The truth is that it really depends on you!

Maybe you will have your first lucid dream the first week, or perhaps you will experience it at the end of the 4th week!

Different factors will play a huge role, such as:

  • how much effort you put into it
  • are you doing everything from the training
  • do you have normal sleeping patterns
  • are you dedicated and motivated enough to learn how to lucid dream, etc.

Similar to the previous question, there isn’t a straight answer. It will feel different for everyone. In general, it is very exciting and extremely empowering!

At the beginning, some of you might have very vivid lucid dream, but for others, it can be not that clear. 

Or some might have control over the narrative, while others might be just aware that they are dreaming, without having any control.

Becoming lucid in a dream, and feeling stuck inside the dream is something that you shouldn’t really worry about. 

Being trapped in a dream forever is simply science fiction, possible in the movies, but not in real life.

Usually, feeling tired after you wake up is due to the fact that you didn’t have enough sleep.

As a matter of fact, some people report that when they lucid dream, they feel tired in the morning.

It is possible that if you have long, multiple, very vivid and active non-lucid dreams you would wake up drained. Especially if they are emotional or anxiety-producing dreams.

People often confuse lucid dreaming with dream control.

However, the act of being lucid in your dreams is simply to be aware that you are dreaming.

Lucid dreaming does not necessarily mean that you will be able to control your dream.

Yet, you can LEARN to control your dreams, by practicing and being consistent!

Of course – sexual lucid dreams can feel extremely real.

To experience such a dream, you will need a basic level of dream control and the ability to remember your dreams.

In a lucid dream, your mind produces experiences from the real world.

Such dreams are possible, however it is not the easiest thing and it is a tricky action.

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