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What are the most common dream meanings and symbols, and why do they matter?
Understanding some of the most common dream meanings can help us better understand what’s bothering us in our daily lives, and it is an incredible way to better figure out the subconscious mind.
If you have some of these common dream symbols, it’s worth paying attention to their meaning.
With these dreams, your mind is trying to send you an important message, so understand them will be very beneficial.
Now, let's begin with the 22 most common dream meanings that you should never ignore:
1. Falling
Falling dreams are one of the most common dream themes.
Frequently, the falling dream represents an area in your life that you feel frustrated and overwhelmed. Try to think about where you might feel this “loss of control”?
It might be school, or work, love life, or lack of personal appreciation, etc.
If you are falling down, and never reach the ground, it could represent losing control.
If you do hit the ground, it could mean you were wrong about something.
If someone else is falling and watching and feeling helpless, the meaning can be that you can’t control their fate.
Try to be there for them in their time of need, but don’t try to command them.
On the other hand, if you felt more okay in the situation, maybe there is something you can do for this person — a gesture, or bold action that will help them avoid their fall.
Read more about Falling dreams here:
2. Sinking or drowning
Water symbolizes emotions. Sinking or drowning in water is a sign that you let emotions control your decision making in your daily life.
The dream symbolizes that you should learn how to control your emotions better, and not let them control you.
Alternatively, a sinking dream can signify that you feel overwhelmed or unable to stop a negative situation from getting worse.
On the positive note, this dream may symbolize that a harsh and unpleasant stage of your life comes to an end.
3. Flying
Flying dreams are amazing and quite common. The dream can be a sign of a few things.
First, it can be an indicator that you desire for sexual freedom.
Another representation can be your personal sense of power.
If you fly with ease and enjoyment, it is a sign that you feel on top of a specific situation.
Perhaps, you created an opportunity for yourself.
If you are struggling to keep balance while flying, it can be a sign that you are struggling with something in your daily life.
Obstacles in your dream can mean that a situation or a person is standing in your way. Try to think of what prevents you from doing something you want in your waking life.
4. Out of control vehicle
The dream interpretation of being inside an out of control vehicle is that certain events in your daily life make you feel out of control.
The dream interpretation of being inside an out of control vehicle is that certain events in your daily life make you feel out of control.
This makes you feel in danger, and it is a sign that you should “take control” over your life.
This dream symbol can also indicate that you are thinking about the current path you are taking.
It may be hard to accept that you sometimes don’t have full control, but the more you try to manage it, the more out of control you could feel.
5. Disaster
Dreaming of floods, earthquakes, volcano eruptions, tornados, or other disasters symbolizes that your personal problems are going out of control.
The dream sign is that your subconscious mind doesn’t want to avoid and ignore the problems, and it is a sign to face them and get rid of them.
6. Buried alive
Being buried alive, and being powerless to scream and breath indicates that there is a conflict or confusion in your life.
The dream sign is that you have to find a new way to escape certain situations.
The interpretation also suggests that you have to look for new perspectives, and even if you need help, do not hesitate to ask others for support.
7. Being injured, ill or dying
Dreaming about someone (a friend, a family member, or even a celebrity) being injured or dying indicates that the accidental death is actually something in your life that is not functioning correctly anymore.
The interpretation is that you have to move on and open a new page in your life. It is a sign of a new beginning.
8. Being chased
Dreaming of being chased often indicates that you are coping with stress and fear in your daily life.
Instead of facing your problems, you are avoiding them.
Another dream meaning can be related to your refusal to accept specific ideas, and it is possible that the one who is chasing you, represents a part of yourself.
Certain things in your waking life are triggering such dreams.
Remember that whatever is chasing you is a reflection of your character.
Try to remember how you felt when this person/thing was chasing you; if you were afraid, this could be a sign that you are trying to avoid a problem or an issue that’s been causing you a lot of anxiety and anger.
If the chaser isn’t threatening, you may prevent a responsibility that isn’t so urgent in real life.
The signal from this dream is to consider stepping out of your bubble, and acting on resolving certain situations; in that way, you will feel more confident and get rid of these worries.
Read my full article on Being Chased In A Dream here:
9. Paralysis/stuck in mud
Feeling stuck in mud suggests that you are taking too many responsibilities and not expressing your true feelings in waking life.
You are struggling to pick the best path and choices, which leaves you feeling stuck.
The sign of this dream is that even though you might not be the best decision, it is crucial to move forward.
This will help you to feel better, and it will be a step forward in breaking free.
Feeling that your legs are stuck, symbolizes that something or someone blocking your improvement, and holding you back.
Try to stop overthinking and do more to get yourself moving further.
If you feel in paralysis, you may have experienced a condition called sleep paralysis.
You can experience scary hallucinations because even if you suddenly wake up from a dream (or a nightmare), you can transfer dream imagery that will remain in your perception.
The condition is also accompanied by difficulties in breathing.
The best thing you can do is try to stay calm. Relaxation, and affirmation that this is only a dream will let your body to wake up naturally, allowing the scary visuals and hallucinations to go away.
Read more about Sleep paralysis here:
10. House/property damage or loss
Your horse represents the inner self. Dreaming of property loss or damage suggests you are sabotaging yourself. Not taking care of yourself puts your emotional well being at danger.
On the opposite side, if you dream of finding new rooms in your house, or home upgrade, the dream indicates that some aspects of your life will improve soon.
You may feel damaged or that things are deteriorating. Your identity is threatened, or something valuable (including time) has been lost.
11. Teeth
Teeth falling down is often an indicator of feeling insecure, and they appear in transition times. It can indicate that you feel anxious about getting older, too.
If something is challenging you and you feel that you feel weaker, remember that just by being more self-confident, you can change the level of strength you have.
If you see someone without teeth, or if you are toothless, it can symbolize feelings about aging. If the teeth seem rotten in your dream, it can mean that you recently said something you regret.
If there is one tooth that is way more significant than the rest, it can be a sign that you worry about your personal waking life. Clean and healthy teeth can indicate that you feel financially secure and satisfied.
12. The future
Dreaming about something you really desire can indicate that you wish to fulfill this scenario in real life.
It can be that you are thinking about how to improve yourself and reach specific goals in life. To make that happen, you can consider changing some of your perspectives to make it happen.
If you dream that something terrible will happen in the future, it can indicate you feel anxious about your mental and physical health.
13. Failing a test
Dreaming that you are failing a test (or something else) can indicate you’ve been comparing yourself with someone or something in your waking life.
It can be that you are too critical about yourself in your waking life.
When you are dreaming of failure, it is a sign that you should consider focusing on the good qualities and things you have in your life, rather than the things you feel are not good enough.
If you compare to someone, find what the comparison means to you. Have you been feeling competitive due to the comparison?
14. Being back to school
If you dream that you are back to school, your unconsciousness may draw your attention to past experiences and reflect current feelings.
The dream is related to your waking life – if you started a new job, you moved to a new apartment or simply felt insecure about yourself.
If such dreams are negative, it may be a sign that you’ve not resolved real-life feelings and that you are suppressing certain emotions.
Another sign of being back to school can be that you’re never too old to learn new things, and by learning essential lessons in your current life, you will learn more about yourself!
15. Being late for something
If you dream of being late for school, a job interview, a plane, a train, a bus, or even a date, that can be a symbol of anger and frustration of missing out opportunities in waking life.
If something or someone was the reason for being late (in the dream), try to find what it was.
Additionally, if you are trying to me on time, and despite your best efforts, you still miss out on something, it can be an additional sign that you feel mentally and physically exhausted.
Try to identify the opportunity in your dream, and how you feel for missing it out.
A vital sign from this dream is to consider committing to something. Otherwise, you will always find yourself unsatisfied, and using your time inefficiently.
16. Cheating partner
Dreaming that your partner is having an affair and is cheating with someone, can reflect feelings of insecurity and loneliness in a current relationship.
Perhaps, you started to lose confidence in your own attractiveness in your waking life.
It may be that you are suspecting your partner of cheating, but if you are the one who is cheating, your subconscious is sending you a signal that you need more intimacy in a current relationship.
If you feel exhilarated in the dream, it suggests that you need to try new things and experiences in your intimate life.
If you feel guilty, it might be a reminder of the consequences of having an affair in real life.
Another interpretation is that you’ve been unfaithful to another person in a way; perhaps you’ve stolen someone else’s idea.
Having more than one partner can suggest that you desire for variety in your sex life.
On the contrary, it may be that you’ve been trying to cope with too many things.
To learn more, read about Cheating dreams here:
17. Sexual dreams
Such dreams represent the idea of looking for a balance between the masculine and feminine principles within yourself (according to Jung).
Ask yourself what I am attracted to, from the person you slept within your dream? This specific thing can be a quality that you wish to develop yourself.
Sexual dreams symbolize your individual needs, too. If you have a recurring dream about having intercourse, this can indicate that your longing for sexual adventure in waking life is not fulfilled currently.
This doesn’t immediately indicate that you are dissatisfied with your partner (if you currently have), but it symbolizes that you may have a hidden sexual desire.
Consider expressing and releasing these desires in real life instead of suppressing it.
Dreaming about having intercourse is common, and completely normal, yet, if you have such dreams too often, it’s best to examine your intimate life, and consider experimenting a bit.
And remember that if you are in a relationship in real life, having an intimate experience with someone else doesn’t always mean you are dissatisfied with your partner.
18. Being lost
Being lost in a dream can be related to confusion and lack of direction. What is the dream environment in which you got lost?
The place is a sign of what the confusion is about.
These feelings can appear if you have issues, and you need to make specific changes that you have not/don’t want to accept.
Ask yourself what sense you’ve lost your way, and is it related to losing direction in life, being confused about taking a decision, losing your identity, or about career goals?
Find the problem source, and then you can figure out how to go back on track.
If you are searching for something lost in your dream, without knowing what you lose, this can be a sign that you are looking for enlightenment.
Being lost can also be a sign that you’re leaving old and familiar habits and things, to look for a new beginning.
The feeling of being lost is standard, as you may feel nervous about trying something new.
19. Being trapped
The interpretation of being trapped in a dream can be that there is a conflict about how you tend to act in real life.
The dream can indicate frustrations and confusion from waking life – it can be anything from your personal relationships, family, or job.
20. Being naked in public
Being naked in a public place is another common dream that represents the real you, stripped of social conditioning, and the desire to return to your natural self. You might have aspirations to reveal your true self, without using masks and a facade.
Nakedness suggests the desire to attain spiritual awareness, love, and rebirth.
Another symbol is that it expresses sexual desires, but it can also be that you experience fears of sexual relationships.
Additionally, there might be a situation that makes you feel vulnerable, and you have fears about the way you appear to others.
This signifies that you need to learn how to become more self-confident and show your real self, even though you might have fears that you will be criticized.
If someone else is naked in your dream and accept it, it can be a sign that you wish these people would show their true selves in waking life.
21. Recurring dreams
If you have recurring or a similar dream repeatedly, do not ignore it!
Your mind is sending you a sign, or your subconscious wants you to realize something.
The repetition of a dream indicates something essential that is related to your personal growth.
It depends on what the dream is about, but just try to fully understand and acknowledge the dream message that your subconscious is sending you.
22. Dead relative
This dream can be extremely bothersome, but don’t worry; it is not predicting that someone will die in real life.
Dreams of death are related to change, and a sign that something is coming to an end. It can be an era of your life, a relationship with someone, etc.
You need to consider releasing yourself from the past and being open to changes and new opportunities.
The connection with the person who died is not dead, yet, it is possible to be different.
The dream can also be related to an aspect of yourself that this person represents, and you are possibly trying to repress it.
It can be a positive or negative sign that describes the relationship toward this person.
To dream about someone dead in waking life is also common.
These dreams sign that your subconscious mind is trying to make a transition from the external reality to the internal memories, and to deal with feelings that you have towards the person who died.
As you can see, these dream symbols are carrying vital signs and signals, and if you know them – it can be very beneficial to your waking life.
What is the most common dream you have from this list?
Leave a comment below, and if you wish, share your dream!
I dream of people digging up the cemetary ,some old graves and others new gravels,I was holding my sons hand and standing in the grave yard not wanting to see what will be dug up from each grave that they dug.They are doing this to claim the land.
The most common to me in your list of dreams is that of getting lost of which you have rightly pointed out that it means searching for knowledge and enlightenment to chat new course or pathway for spiritual growth.Thank you.
I have had lucid nightmares/dreams for years. Eventually, the dreams won out! One that I’m confused about is that I had to achieve a “flight pack” for flying capabilities. Not easy to do! For me, it was about 2-3 telephone poles high!!
I had to try and do it… it took a while though. Changing mentally was something I didn’t plan on. I killed a girl in my lucid dream, for no reason other than to see how it felt. It took months to do this and i was very involved in my dreams. I felt such sorrow!! For at least a month I battled with this. Her brother came to me with his friends. They wanted to retaliate and I wanted them to!! They started stabbing me and I stopped them. I then went to the bathroom and got into the tub. I told them to continue making me pay. I was on my back bleeding everywhere waiting to die. But i didn’t. It was all so real but i knew i was dreaming…i didn’t know what to do. I wanted to die! Instead, I prayed to God and begged for forgiveness! I had to go back in the dream to finish it off completely! I had to reach the area of my “flight pack” and return the flying abilities. I try not to dream and I don’t really remember them at all! I thought lucid dreaming was something everyone learned. I was in my 20’s before I realized that isn’t the case. I can use lucid dreaming but prefer not to. I only sleep 3-4 at a time with sleeping pills! I wouldn’t know what 8 hours even feels like any more! People want to do this for fun? Not always a good thing!!