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Find the 10 BEST binaural beats for lucid dreaming, astral projection and better sleep.
People have been using binaural beats for many years, mostly to meditate, relax, and as a sleep aid.
Keep reading to discover the top 10 binaural beats for lucid dreaming, sleep, and relaxation.
Featured in this review:
Ennora Lucid Dreams Binaural Beats
Ennora Astral Projection
Binaural Beats Meditation – For Lucid Dreaming
Binaural Beats Meditation – For Astral Projection
Binaural Beats Meditation – Memory Enhancer
Binaural Beats Meditation – For Better Sleep
BlissCoded Sound – For Blissful Dreams
BlissCoded Sound – For Out Of Body Experience
iAwake Technologies – For Better Sleep
Hemi-sync Binaural Beats For Wake Induced Lucid Dreaming
Top 5 Binaural Beats Tips
Important note:
If you listen to a binaural beats track, remember that you have to listen through stereo headphones to get the full benefit.
Top 10 binaural beats for lucid dreaming
1. Ennora Lucid Dreams Binaural Beats
Ennora produces quality binaural beats recordings and it offers fantastic tracks, that are ideal to enhance lucid dreaming state.
What does it include:
The Ennora Lucid Dreams Binaural Beats consists of a single 30-minute track, featuring ambient music and theta wave binaural beats.
What does it do:
When you’re dreaming, your brain is in the “theta” state. The theta wave binaural beats from this product correspond to this, allowing you to dream.
The relaxing nature of the binaural beats and music will also help you to be in a relaxed, yet conscious state.
How to use it:
It’s good that you listen to the recording while you’re using the WILD or DILD techniques.
Play the record through headphones and let your body drift off to sleep.
Upon listening to the recording, you’ll probably be impressed by the high-quality production. The relaxing music is well produced and is very pleasing to the ears.
On the other hand, the product doesn’t contain any guide on how to use it. It has a bit of information on the website, which doesn’t go into much detail.
Therefore, this recording is ideal if you already know what you’re doing with lucid dreaming.
2. Ennora Astral Projection
The Ennora team found that free binaural beats recordings tend to be of low quality. That’s why they worked hard to create high-quality recordings that are pleasing to the ear. That’s what they’ve done with Ennora Astral Projection.
What does it include:
Just like its lucid dreaming counterpart, Ennora Astral Projection consists of a single 30-minute track. It blends ambient music with alpha and delta binaural beats waves.
What does it do:
The soundtrack helps to get you into a relaxed and trance-like state. At the same time, the binaural beats help to focus the energy of your brain activity to assist you on your journey of astral projection.
How to use it:
It’s essential to listen to the track as soon as you wake up in the morning. Upon listening with headphones, allow the ambient, hypnotic music to relax you and take you back to a dreamy state.
From here, you can let your body fall asleep while you allow your mind to drift from the realm of your physical body.
The well-produced music has a very hypnotic effect on the listener that helps you to get into the relaxed state that’s essential for experiencing an astral projection.
However, to be successful with astral projection, you need to read up on it and practice the techniques that are required. Once you know what you’re doing, this recording can assist you in your journey.
3. Binaural Beats Meditation – For Lucid Dreaming
If you want a relaxing accompaniment to lucid dreaming, then Binaural Beats Meditation has brought out a great soundtrack.
What does it include:
The product consists of a 30 minute and an extended 60-minute version of the same audio track, blending ambient music with delta and theta wave binaural beats.
What does it do:
The binaural beats featured in this track work by taking you from a dreamy and meditative state of mind, into an even deeper state. It’s because the track goes from theta to delta waves in a gradual way that mimics the human sleep cycle.
How to use it:
It’s recommended to use this recording as you’re waking up or if you’re going for an afternoon nap.
Having both a 30 and 60-minute version can be very helpful. While the music isn’t a masterpiece, it utilizes something called the Solfeggio scale, which is considered to be a natural anesthetic, adding to the relaxing nature of the recording.
Also, unlike binaural beats recordings that use a single wavelength, this track changes the binaural beats in a gradual way that enhances its impact and usefulness for lucid dreaming.
4. Binaural Beats Meditation – For Astral Projection
When it comes to astral projection, it can be beneficial to have a binaural beats track that gently guides your brain wave patterns into the optimal realm.
What does it include:
This product features a 30 and 60-minute version of the same track that blends ambient music and binaural beats to assist astral projection.
What does it do:
At first, the track uses alpha waves, linking up with your current brain wave patterns. Then, the binaural beats gradually drop in wavelength, helping to deepen your state of relaxation.
After a few minutes, you can expect to enter the hypnagogic state as the track settles on a theta wavelength that’s associated with the realm of astral projection.
How to use it:
Upon getting the track, you’ll get an Ultimate Astral Projection guide, too. It is an excellent accompaniment to learning how to astral project.
Furthermore, it will teach you exactly how to use the recording effectively.
The track is precisely engineered so that the binaural beats help to guide you into the hypnogogic state and to give you the best chance of achieving success with astral projection. The guide book is also beneficial.
5. Binaural Beats – Memory Enhancer (For Better Dream Recall)
When choosing binaural beats recordings, one of the most essential (and often forgotten) practices to lucid dream effectively is that of dream recall. That’s why the Memory Enhancer could make all the difference.
What does it include:
This product contains a 30 and 60-minute version of ambient music that’s blended with 40Hz Gamma binaural beats.
What does it do:
Unlike most binaural beats recordings that aim to relax the listener, gamma waves stimulate brainwave activity. In this way, the record helps to enhance and improve memory. And this can help you to recall your dreams.
How to use it:
It’s best to listen to the track after you’ve woken up or at any point in the day when the mind is more active. While listening, start to think about the dreams you experienced. Don’t force it, though.
Try to relax your body and feel your mind being propelled into action. It can help to ask yourself a question, like “what did I dream about?” or “what do I remember from my dreams?”
Have your dream journal at hand to record any dream memories as they pop up.
If you’re already proficient at waking up and filling up your dream journal with details of your dreams, then you may not need this recording.
On the other hand, if you’re inconsistent in this area, then the Memory Enhancer can be an ideal addition for your lucid dreams.
6. Binaural Beats Meditation – For Better Sleep
When it comes to lucid dreaming, proper sleep is essential. Good sleep is necessary for general health and tends to get overlooked by most people. That’s why a binaural beats meditation for better sleep track can be useful
What does it include:
The product consists of a 30 and 60-minute version of a dreamy, relaxing and ambient track that features delta wave binaural beats.
What does it do:
This track has been designed to help you improve the quality of your sleep with the use of binaural beats that correspond with your brain wave activity during deep sleep.
How to use it:
Listen 1-2 hours before going to sleep or in bed while you’re falling asleep at night
This recording is excellent if you find that you’re not sleeping particularly well and you want to enjoy a better quality of sleep.
One thing that’s important to remember is the following:
This recording isn’t like a magic pill that will get you to sleep better unless you combine it with good sleeping practices.
Some examples include:
winding down in the evenings before bedtime
limiting caffeine intake
trying to go to bed and get up at a consistent time each day
7. BlissCoded Sound – For Blissful Dreams
BlissCoded Sound was created by Marcus Knudson who has found a secret formula based on a geometric formula known as the “Golden Ratio.”
He’s skillfully created tracks that are amongst the most effective out there for brainwave entrainment.
What does it include:
This is a 50-minute track that utilizes isochronic tones and BlissCode sound technology. Isochronic tones have a similar effect to that of binaural beats, but they don’t require headphones.
What does it do:
Blissful Dreams is incredibly effective at relaxing and lowering the frequency of your brain waves into the realm of sleep.
How to use it:
It’s recommended to listen when going to bed at night or during a power nap if you want to improve your sleep.
For lucid dreaming, however, listen early in the morning or whenever you’re going to be in the active dream phase of your sleep in order to enhance your prospects for lucid dreaming.
Unlike all other brainwave recordings, BlissCoded sound uses a unique technology that the creator hasn’t shared with anyone else. This means you’ll get a completely unique experience.
Having said that, it’s something that you need to try out first in order to ensure you’ll get the maximum benefit out of it. Which, as luck has it, you can do by listening to the sample recording on the website.
8. Blisscoded Sound – For Out Of Body Experience
The Out Of Body recording, like Blissful Dreams, utilizes the same unique Golden Ratio technology. However, it also contains ultrasonic Subliminals to further help induce an experience of astral projection.
What does it include:
The 49-minute track features white noise sounds, soft subliminal messages, and isochronic tones.
What does it do:
The track takes you through the full journey needed for an OOBE, beginning with alpha waves, before the theta wave frequencies start to dominate after a few minutes.
How to use it:
Headphones are recommended but not essential since the recording uses isochronic tones instead of binaural beats to achieve brain wave entrainment.
Listen to the track while you’re lying down comfortably as you practice staying awake while your body falls asleep.
Unlike many of the other recordings reviewed, it doesn’t contain ambient music and instead utilizes white noise and rain sounds.
If you don’t need anything musical, then this could be the ideal audio aid while you explore astral projection.
9. iAwake Technologies – For Better Sleep
Binaural beats may be powerful, but what happens when you combine this audio technology with the spoken word. iAwake’s Sound Asleep product utilizes a hypnotic guided meditation from a hypnotherapist, Joseph Kao.
What does it include:
Consists of three tracks: A 36-minute track that contains all sounds and the spoken word, an equivalent track that doesn’t have the spoken word, and an alternative version of the track which was actually used as a prototype.
What does it do:
This recording is incredibly helpful when it comes to sleep in general. It will help to take away all of your stresses and anxieties that disrupt a good night’s sleep.
Its effectiveness comes from the multi-layered audio that combines binaural beats, isochronic tones, ambient sounds, and a spoken hypnotic guided meditation.
How to use it:
Listen when you go to bed at night. You should find that it helps you to relax as you drift off to sleep. You can also listen to the recording if you wake up during the night and are unable to get back to sleep.
While the sound quality of the recording as a whole may not be on the same level as you’d get from commercial musicians, the combination of binaural beats and spoken audio can be very effective.
Overall, this is an excellent recording if you have trouble sleeping at night. Good quality sleep is an essential cornerstone for lucid dreaming.
10. Hemi Sync Binaural Beats For Wake Induced Lucid Dreaming
Hemi Sync is a highly respected organization in the world of binaural beats and audio technology and has one of the largest collections of audio tracks for meditation, relaxation and other purposes.
Luigi Sciambarella, a resident trainer of the Monroe Institute, is the man behind Binaural Beats for Wake Induced Lucid Dreaming.
What does it include:
Consists of an 8 minute spoken word introduction, followed by a 38 minute guided exercise.
You also get a handout, entitled “Performing a Reality Check.” It’s available as an MP3 download or audio CD.
What does it do:
This product guides you through the Wake Up Lucid Dreaming (WILD technique).
How to use it:
Simply listen to the 8-minute intro. Luigi will guide you through everything you need to know.
Hemi Sync is a very credible organization and only releases products that fit their high standards. If you’re already experienced in lucid dreaming and the WILD technique then this probably won’t benefit you too much.
If, however, you’re a relative newcomer to lucid dreaming then this is the ideal product for you. Especially if you like to learn from listening to audiobooks or podcasts over reading.
If you would like to try a sample, get their 40-minute free track.
Final binaural beats tips
The volume
You need to set up the binaural beats to an optimal volume.
Have it loud enough, so you won’t be able to hear any external noises. However, keep in mind that with binaural beats, you’re introducing sound directly into the ears.
Don’t put it too loud if you don’t want to experience hearing loss.
Choose the right package
The truth is that there are tons of binaural beat packages on the internet.
It might be hard to decide which one to pick, so I want to make it easier for you.
By answering the following questions, you can figure out what is the best binaural beat package for you:
1. Do you want to learn how to relax your mind and improve your sleep?
– then take a further look at iAwake Technologies – For Better Sleep OR BlissCoded Sound for Blissful Dreams.
2. Do you want to experiment with astral projection and out of body experiences?
– Definitely explore Blisscoded Sound, or Binaural Beats Meditation (For Astral Projection).
3. Do you want to improve your memory and to remember things better?
– Then start with Binaural Beats for Enhancing your Memory.
4. Are you good at your dream recall and do you want to explore lucid dreaming?
– If you already know what’s lucid dreaming, I recommend starting with Hemi Sync Binaural Beats For Wake Induced Lucid Dreaming.
If you are completely new, then start with Ennora Lucid Dreams Binaural Beats or Binaural Beats Meditation – For Lucid Dreaming.
Furthermore, know that sometimes some ”binaural beats” are done by people who are having no idea how to make it right.
That’s why it is important to DO YOUR RESEARCH. Read reviews and see what others are saying.
In this article, I’ve mentioned only companies and websites that I trust. But don’t take my word for granted and feel free to do your further research.
Comfortable headphones
Binaural beats work like this:
each ear receives a slightly different frequency at the same time.
To see a positive result, you need to make sure that you use quality headphones and that the brain will receive the tones.
Furthermore, you need something that’s comfortable.
I’ve tried a lot of different headphones, and the most comfortable once is Sleep Phones.
These headphones are specially designed to listen to anything you like when you go to sleep. Sleep Phones are wireless, very soft, user-friendly, and a great option when it comes to listening to binaural beats when going to bed.
Be consistent
… and patient!
You need to listen to the beats every day for a few days. Probably you will feel the effects right away, but if you don’t, stick to it for a little longer.
Don’t get discouraged if nothing happens the very first time you try them.
need to tweak things like the volume, time you’re listening to them and the track you’re trying.
Binaural beats side effects
Binaural beats are stimulants, that cause changes in your brain.
Honestly, there is no known evidence to suggest that binaural beats damage the brain in any way.
However, it’s recommended to avoid using the beats IF:
If you suffer from seizures. When you experience a change in brain waves, it could increase your probability of having a seizure.
If you have a heart condition, or if you are using a pacemaker.
If you suffer from any mental or phycological disorder
If you’re taking tranquilizers
If you’re under the age of 18. A child’s brain still has a lot of development to go; it’s wise to avoid binaural beats.
If you are a pregnant woman since it’s suggested that binaural beats have the potential to stimulate labor
If you’re driving
For more information on binaural beats side effects, read the newest article, where we talk about the safety of the binaural beats.