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Dream interpretation is an amazing tool to find out more about your dreams and their meaning.
Do you wonder: what does my dream mean?
If so, now, you can find an A-Z dream interpretation dictionary with the 132 most common dream meanings.
At the end of the article, you can also find a section with some commonly asked questions about dream interpretation.
Now, let’s begin!
Dream Interpretation: 132 Dreams and Their Meanings
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Usually, the dog is man’s best friend, and its appearance in a dream often reflects your role as a faithful and loving partner in waking life.
You give unconditional love to your lover, hoping they will return equal amounts of love to you. However, you are disappointed when you feel the love returned isn’t the same.
This dream urges you to think about the love you give to people and what you get.
Unconditional love can be a wonderful gift of kindness and trust, but you are often tempted to give your love away. The sign from this dream is to choose your surroundings wisely.
A wild animal symbolizes the inherent and intuitive part of yourself. It often represents your confidence and your power to assert yourself, too. Furthermore, it expresses how you control your natural impulses in social circumstances.
This dream indicates that you are getting hints that make you wonder about your relationship behavior.
This dream communicates that you are too worried about acting unusual in a social situation(s). It may seem safe and socially acceptable, but you may miss out and neglect the real you.
By providing yourself some time and space to connect with your true nature, you will start to grow as a person.
Dreaming about an aircraft crash symbolizes that you have concerns about a plan or project in life. Usually, the bigger the airplane, the more significant the plan.
The message from this dream is to consider the current trajectory of a project/plan you are involved in.
Although the concern for most projects is getting them off the ground, any pilot will tell you take-off is natural. The hard part is landing the project and ensuring the safe and secure passage of everyone involved.
Being involved in a fight means that you regularly face emotions of frustration and dissatisfaction in your daily life.
If you find it challenging to speak about your real problems, try to switch to a calmer approach. Without angrily yelling, try to claim ground until you feel that your needs are not being neglected.
If you dream of bad food, then there is some situation in your life that leaves you feeling unfulfilled and dissatisfied.
Even though you might have spent much energy preparing for this possibility, it hasn’t turned out the way you thought it would.
Dreaming about a violent wound indicates that you are going through a phase where you are doing something against your will.
This dream draws attention to the fact that you are letting someone assert their wishes and power over you.
You are not trying to resist, perhaps because you feel powerless.
You have to be more confident and stand your ground, which will stop others from taking advantage of you.
The interpretation of this dream is that you feel you can learn an essential lesson in your current waking life.
The dream means that you never stop learning, and the more you learn about the environment around you, the more you see about yourself.
Dreaming of being deep in a forest or jungle symbolizes that you are becoming conscious of the potential for growth in your personality, in unknown ways.
As you self-explore, try not to lose perception of where you are coming from and where you want to go.
Without letting yourself be distracted, choose the path you want to follow and not the one that you are being told to take.
Your daily life often triggers dreams of being a superhero if you feel trapped and powerless by an unusual situation.
While the circumstance may look hopeless, this dream proves that you are dealing with it efficiently.
This dream communicates that you are far more powerful than you realize.
You can simply use your powers to lift yourself up and go wherever you want to go.
You feel that you are about to lose an opportunity that will help you experience fulfillment in your waking life. You realize that time is running out if you want to accomplish this goal.
Until you commit to a decision, you will always find yourself hesitating and using your time ineffectively.
The meaning of this dream is that whatever is chasing you is an aspect of yourself and your behavior.
It is something you experience only in certain situations in your daily life and is usually triggered by a specific event or a particular person.
However, neither the event nor the person is chasing you; it is how you perceive that person or situation and how it reflects in your character.
Read our full article with the top 10 dream meanings of being chased!
You may consider avoiding doing anything since this specific thing might be an uncomfortable and unpleasant experience. However, you need to do it once. Afterwards, you will be able to move on and end it.
Stepping outside your comfort zone and taking confident action to resolve a specific situation is the way to get rid of it.
This dream interpretation symbolizes an increase in your awareness and understanding of your intuitive nature in waking life.
Animals usually symbolize your unconscious needs and your natural impulses. You may try to keep them under control because you are concerned that they will break free and cause destruction.
This dream helps you to connect more deeply with your creative instincts. Do not worry about your intuitive behavior even if you are afraid that it might carry you away or cause you some harm.
The power of your instincts will assist you in moments where rational thoughts won’t make sense.
This dream often indicates the potential for a significant creative transformation in your waking life.
This dream clarifies that to change your current situation, you have to take some artistic action.
Dreams of being addicted to drugs or drinking alcohol mean that you are trying to escape from a situation in your waking life.
You spend time thinking about how to free yourself from it, since this situation is harmful to you.
To make the most of this dream, pay attention to the unhealthy situation in your life.
You may habitually avoid any confrontation with it since it might seem much more comfortable, but the less that you can depend on yourself, the more dependent you will be on other people to make you feel good.
Being invisible to others means that somewhere in your waking life, no one notices your work and effort.
You can’t blame others for not seeing your efforts, since this is your decision.
It may feel uncomfortable to be the center of the attention, but if you want your efforts to be noticed, you have to make yourself more visible. That way, others can see your abilities and your real value.
Not being able to find your way home symbolizes that you have difficulties with expressing who you really are in your waking life.
The dream reminds you to stand behind your true self and to show it.
The more honest you are about your purpose and needs, the more you will feel yourself.
Usually, the rooms in your home symbolize the different characters of your personality.
The kitchen reflects your capacity to nurture yourself and other people by producing healthy and fulfilling actions.
Having difficulties moving around suggests these responsibilities are cramping your style, and this is leaving you feeling frustrated.
This dream says that you don’t look at your essential needs, due to the fact that you are busy taking care of the needs of others.
This often leads to frustrations, since you feel like others are not doing the same for you. Even though you are used to ignoring yourself, just try letting go and see what happens.
Dreams about being caught up in a war hint you are probably encountering some sort of continuous tension/stress in your waking life.
Even if this may not be an open conflict with others, the tension growls endlessly inside you, and whatever you do, you cannot feel calm.
Another thing might be that if you have opposing needs that you find challenging to solve, it can frequently provoke stress.
You are trying to avoid a fight, which causes a lot of inner tension for you.
The more you try to avoid this disagreement, the more prone you are to be defeated and brought right into it.
Instead of running away from the circumstances, you should bring your inner conflict out and honestly confront it.
It can be easy to think this dream is a sign, and your child (if you have one) is in actual danger.
However, you are using your child as a representative to express an idea that is very precious to you.
Dreaming about a child often suggests that you are thinking about a situation that is very close to your heart in waking life.
This dream is pointing your attention to a precious personal ability that you have been ignoring.
You might be assuming that this idea would just grow without much effort from you; however, it requires far more care than you have been able to give so far.
This dream reflects on some experiences from your early years in life.
It could be a skill or a talent that you never got the opportunity to reveal.
To make the most of this dream, explore unknown areas of your personality and develop their potential. Work on your suppressed talents and make them a reality, to make one of your childhood dreams to become true.
Dreaming of pursuit from some higher authority symbolizes that you have some worries about freedom of choice and your obligations in your daily life.
Even if it seems that it is others’ fault for your limited freedom of choice, however, this dream is alerting you to take responsibility and authority for your actions.
The more self-disciplined you are, the more freedom you will get.
Having a sharp object in your mouth or chewing glass symbolizes how you sometimes communicate with other people in your waking life.
This dream suggests that you should perhaps keep your razor-like humor under control by taking a gentler approach and accepting your vulnerabilities.
Try to use a calmer tone of voice to move away from the disagreements in which you are currently involved instead of trying to defend your position by attacking others continually.
Dreaming of climbing uphill symbolizes that you are working on achieving a particular level of performance in your daily life.
Consider taking one step at a time, instead of rushing the tasks that you have.
It is better to slow your movement and change down a gear so you can keep moving, no matter how steep the challenge ahead of you seems.
Dreaming of trying to catch a train means that you think of continuing to a different and specific path that is related to your career.
The dream is about choosing where you want to go and how to get your ambitions on track.
You need to commit to going in a specific direction in order to succeed in your decision. Follow your goal but without risky career moves.
A house usually expresses yourself. The more solid and secure the house appears, the surer and secure you feel in yourself.
When you dream of an abandoned house, there are some features of yourself that you are missing or ignoring in waking life.
It also shows that you have been careless and have not been paying attention to yourself.
This dream is pulling your attention to the fact that you are ignoring some personal abilities.
It can be simple to dismiss your skills because they often don’t seem as valuable to you as the needs of other people.
However, the less care you take for your needs, the more down you will feel, and therefore, you will be less efficient at watching after the needs of others.
This dream often means that a defined way of living will end and there will be the start of a new one.
The dream message is that you arrived at a point in your life where you have to end a period of activities and consider the new area of chances that are showing up.
By releasing yourself from the past, you have the complete freedom to step into the new chances.
Instead of becoming concerned about potential death, you should consider new openings and opportunities, and how to use them to improve your quality of life.
This dream symbolizes that you are becoming conscious of your fundamental behaviors and how they show up in your everyday life.
Examining yourself in more depth can be a bit scary since you may have no clue what you could find out deep in these unknown areas.
This dream alerts you to the chance of observing deeper inside yourself.
Even though it might seem disturbing to explore your deeper impulses, in order to fulfill your deepest hopes and ambitions, you should have a good knowledge of these essential desires.
This dream symbolizes that little difficulties and fears seem to be rising in your waking life.
You should not let these small problems eat you up from the inside. By having the courage to face the root of your problems, you can free yourself from those anxieties and worries once and for all.
When you dream of continual packing, you are thinking about how you constantly try to arrange your waking life so you can pack as much as possible into it.
Although you always attempt to cram as much as you can into your day, it seems as if there is never enough time, and there is always too much to be done.
This dream is pointing to the fact that you can make the most of a new possibility by letting go of some things from the past.
It can be easy to overwhelm yourself with assumptions about what you might need to make the most of this chance. Yet, the best way to reach your goal and success is to spend less time overthinking and more time actually working towards your aim.
A stable part of your waking life is becoming unstable.
The dream means that big personal change appears in your life. Two different areas that are getting involved and making impact one to another, which ends in creating pressure and tension.
To move away, you need to find a way to release this tension.
The best way is usually by expressing and sharing your feelings to cut the pressure.
Related post: DREAMING ABOUT SNAKES: Meaning And Symbolism
Dreams related to weather are reflecting on all the possibilities and consequences that you can’t probably control in your waking life.
The dream forecasts a wind of difference is about to start storming through your daily routine.
Instead of waiting for the following chaos to enter, create a plan to guarantee that you can watch after yourself and those that you care about.
The dream meaning of a vacant workplace can indicate that you feel your professional abilities aren’t fully recognized. You feel other people in your daily life don’t appreciate you.
It is easy to dismiss your skills as being something usual since you are comfortable with them.
But you have a chance of new opportunities that will open up only if you are more confident in your abilities and using them in unusual situations.
Dreaming an ex usually appears to warn you not to repeat past relationship patterns with your current partner.
It appears as an advance to let go of past habits that no longer serve you.
Being unusually excited about a new creative idea or project may provoke sexual dreams too.
The dream meaning suggests you connect with your self-awareness on a higher level.
That means that you understand your needs more (especially if you are involved in an intimate relationship).
The dream interpretation of falling in love unexpectedly suggests that there is a valuable part of your personality. You have suddenly started to become more aware of this part.
This new awareness may seem confusing at first and may cause some changes in your everyday routine.
By unexpectedly feeling much more confident about yourself, and being aware of your potential, you should prepare for new opportunities.
Be open and focus on what you want and who you desire into your life.
A potentially fatal injury suggests that you are going through a situation in your life where you feel extremely injured, emotionally.
This emotional wounding regularly appears because of the sudden separation of a close friendship or relationship.
The message from this dream is that you may be leaving yourself open to disappointment by becoming too proud of a particular relationship or partnership.
It can be tempting to become paranoid and suspicious about your partner’s aims, but this can make you feel like even more of a victim as you constantly check upon them.
Instead of thinking that your partner will constantly be there for you, try connecting with them more truly and purposely. The more appreciative you are of the relationship, the less likely it is to be suddenly broken.
Dreaming about falling can be a lifestyle side effect. For instance, it could happen because of the day you’ve had, especially if you’re anxious.
The other explanation is that you’re receiving an important message from your subconscious.
Perhaps you’re feeling a loss of control in an area of your life. It could be either emotionally or physically. Try to think:
- Are you worried about failure?
- Is something big approaching?
It can even be something that you haven’t addressed in life.
Rather than assuming that something bad is about to happen, it could be a great opportunity to address your fears.
It may seem scary in the beginning, but experiencing a fall in your dreams can actually be a good thing.
It could be the wake-up call you needed. Let it inspire you to take positive action in your life.
Start by address all the things you’ve been putting off. Take some relaxation time for yourself. Start saving money. Get a new hobby. Make new friends. Go out there and find your dream job.
Related post: The Meaning Of Falling Dreams: Dream Interpretation
A forgotten baby often means that you are getting back to a labor of love you created a while ago but had to quit for some reason.
The baby symbolizes a very precious part of you and describes an individual ambition or talent.
You have been ignoring this talent, and now it is crying out to get your attention in waking life.
This dream is reminding you of the great skills that you might have neglected.
Even though it might take some time for you to establish up your level again, you have a natural productive potential that you need to nourish and expand into something completely personal.
The flying dream reflects the feeling of freedom. It shows you are released from some limitations or circumstances that were weighing on you somehow.
It could also be that you have managed to create an opportunity for yourself.
To maintain your flying dreams, try to avoid impractical and foolish thoughts, and ensure you have a stable and safe place for sharing your ideas.
Dreaming of finding a secret door means that you have the chance to move into an exciting new opportunity in your daily life.
An opening door represents a skill that you were passionate about in the past but had to step off for a while.
You should be open to this new chance and not close the door of these new opportunities.
Even if you think you know your accomplishments and your limitations, you have hidden talents you have yet to discover.
The chance to explore this talent often comes in the form of an unexpected opportunity.
Filled garden with flowers and evergreen often indicates that you are or you soon will be in peace.
Other dream interpretation symbolizes the desire to be closer to nature, or your natural self.
If the garden is beautiful and taken care of, it suggests creativity in your life. If you have dreams of an overgrown garden, it can symbolize lack of focus, or that you neglect your personal growth.
If it’s a tropical garden, it indicates that you are seeking comfort.
If you are gardening in your dream, that suggests that you are in the act of creation, and it can refer to your psychological and emotional growth.
Make sure to remember if the garden is neat or messy since it symbolizes if you are in peace and you are able to maintain the aspects of your life, or if you lost control.
Stumbling upon a dead body hints that you have a rare skill that you have dropped in the past.
Dreaming about buried bodies means that you are regularly thinking about your secret abilities and considering how you can use them to bring a particular idea in your life.
This dream is drawing your attention to your need to bring back your neglected talent to life.
You unconsciously know that you are in” grave” danger of dropping something that makes your life worth living, however, you are consciously deciding to do this in the hope that you will fit in with other people.
The dream means that you are trying to do the right thing, but you feel that you betrayed your moral principles.
You feel responsible for letting yourself down in your waking life.
Being disloyal to your deepest needs because trying to fulfill the wishes of others will result in losing the change to truly express your feelings.
By giving yourself independence from the needs of others, you will free yourself, and you will feel much better.
Marriage symbolizes the strong connection between the two opposites.
The message from this dream suggests that you are trying to marry two different aspects of your life.
This dream is drawing is alerting you to balance the promises that you made to others. It can be easy to feel out of balance because of all the responsibilities that you have.
To make the most of this dream, don’t forget to think about your needs and goals.
Dreaming about a ghost means that you have unfinished business.
If you see people as ghosts that are alive in real life, don’t worry; that doesn’t imply their death in the near future. It’s rather a sense of their presence haunting you, or you can even be the fact of experiencing unexpressed feelings about them.
If you see a ghost of someone who is dead, it is possible that the dream implies that there is a part of yourself that you can’t fully understand.
If you want to understand more about dreaming of ghosts, focus on how they behave in the dream. Determine whether they are silent, invisible, interacting with you, or distant.
If they are noisy and aggressive, it can be that you’ve lost control over your waking life. The dream is trying to remind you that you are responsible for your life, and you can gain back control.
This dream symbolizes losing confidence in your own attractiveness in your waking life.
An unfaithful partner reflects on your loss with some of your fundamental needs, which is making you less attractive.
The message from this dream is that you may seek approval from other people so you can feel needed and wanted.
Rather than waiting for others to boost your confidence, you need to change your perception and just feel good because of who you are.
For further explanation, find out WHY do you have cheating dreams in our new article!
Hounded by zombies symbolizes that you are involved in intense monotonous duties that seem to drain all your energy.
This activity is often connected with your professional life.
The zombies have the potential to cover all the things you want to achieve, however, and are just waiting for you to breathe life back into them.
The message from this dream is that you neglect a special skill that you have because you think that the chance to show it disappeared.
However, by bringing your ideas back, you will boost your goals and get back your life again.
This symbolizes that something uninvited is interfering with your individual boundaries in daily routine.
It represents a situation that makes you feel insecure about the idea of allowing someone to come into your life.
Rather than letting others take advantage of your worthy skills and experience, you must build some private boundaries and let them know your true value to them.
Even if you try to escape, you cannot. The meaning of this dream is that a habit or memory from your past is back to” haunt” you.
You thought that the experience from your past is gone. However, it is continuing to affect your current life.
It has locked up a possibly important part of your personality. Rather than letting yourself be frightened by it, you need to confront it.
This symbolizes that in your waking life, you have some consistent frustration that holds you back and stops your progress.
To take the most of this dream, you need to consider working on this particular problem as soon as possible.
As the barrier decreases into a smaller challenge, you will be able to move into a whole new area of opportunities.
A few often dreams include:
- A dream where you are physically intimate in a public place, even though you feel embarrassed and people are around. It seems like no one noticed.
- A dream that you make love with a colleague from work. You don’t find that person attractive.
- A dream that you are making love while doing something else, completely mundane.
- A dream in which you found a secluded spot, but still, other people are interrupting with the most trivial of excuses.
When you dream of making love in unusual surroundings, there is something unexpected happening in your waking life. Almost invariably, dreaming of making love is about coming to a more intimate understanding of your abilities.
Trying to make love in public suggests that you rather develop this skill privately instead of working on it in public, where you may feel vulnerable and exposed.
The message from this dream is that you started to reach a higher awareness of some unique parts of your character.
However, as your awareness grows, you find yourself unable to contain all the excitement and passion for your new abilities.
Rather than trying to censor how you express your talents, try to create some private space and time for yourself.
In that way, you will gain a more intimate understanding of how to use your newfound abilities!
51. JAIL
Jail or prison can symbolize that something is limiting your personal development. This dream may be a sign that it is time to escape this limitation by confronting it and examining what’s the reason behind the restriction.
Ask yourself who or what is trying to restrict your freedom. Is it someone around you, or it’s you, who is putting limits in your head?
The interpretation of this dream can be related to your job or surroundings, and it can symbolize that you feel pressured. The jungle can also represent your unconscious urges and the areas that remain “wild.”
Try to find what’s pressuring you in your real life. Find if there is something that makes you feel trapped. By realizing the fears you have, you can work on overcoming them.
Dreaming that you are jealous of someone, can be a sign that you feel difficulties in climbing up, and that something or someone makes you unsatisfied.
Try to find out what you are jealous of. Is it a quality, a material item, or something else? Ask yourself if this is something you should develop within yourself, or find somewhere else.
The meaning of dreams with aliens symbolizes that you are going through situations that look quite unusual and unfamiliar to you.
People who moved to a foreign country, or changed their job or community often experience this dream.
This dream calls to explore parts of yourself that you may don’t know. Force yourself to look beyond your comfort zone.
Even if the changes look scary, see them as opportunities to learn new skills and to find out more about what you want to do in life.
Dreaming of kidnapping symbolizes you involving a group of people in waking life that seem to be making unreasonable requests in regards to your time and experience.
This dream is warning you that you need to place the expectations and importance of your relatives. Even if you want to help, you have to be capable of making your own decisions and taking responsibility.
A roof symbolizes your need for safety and security. The leaking roof indicated that you are regularly trying to fix some kind of emotional vulnerability in your daily life.
The message from this dream is that you have to open up to work on your feelings and not try to analyze them logically.
Your emotions, but they can provide a more reliable sign of your concerns than just rational analysis.
When you dream of being lost in a shop, you doubt how to recognize your actual value in your conscious life.
The message from this dream is that you are more valuable than you think. However, you find it challenging to state your real value either in your relationships or in your workplace.
The most important quality you can maintain is your confident feeling of self-worth.
Dreaming of losing your shoe means that you are regularly concerned about your ability to stand up for what you believe.
Even though it might feel awkward for you, this situation will help you to become far more conscious of what you truly value.
The dream symbolizes that you need to take action to re-establish your position in specific circumstances.
The dream meaning suggests that you are trying to find deeper fulfillment in your daily existence.
You are not consciously aware of what will make you feel more satisfied if you don’t know what you are seeking.
Instead of continually looking for something, be still, and ask yourself what you want the most. Then wait for the answer since it is somewhere inside you.
Dreaming of being involved in a life or death battle can symbolize that you are being challenged with a situation in your waking life that seems to be a threat to your life.
This identified threat is often quite small in reality, and the feeling of life or death is usually caused by your feelings of vulnerability.
You need to question yourself if you are implementing your energy in the right areas and what energy you are really facing.
A key part is to accept your imperfections and vulnerabilities. The more you accept your weaknesses, the stronger you can become.
The vehicles that transport you in dreams indicate various ways of getting where you want to go in your life.
A car is normally an individual vehicle, so it usually describes your personal journey as you grow in your work.
A lost or broken car often indicates that you feel you have lost your purpose and ambition in waking life.
This dream is pointing your attention to the loss of your motivation and direction in waking life.
Your ambition can fade away quite slowly if you do not maintain your momentum.
The most direct way of recovering your drive is to choose where you want to focus the most.
This dream is often associated with how much you feel valued by the others and by yourself.
Normally it is caused by a change in your individual situations where you feel your value isn’t appreciated enough.
The message from this dream is that you need to re-establish your understanding of self-worth.
Instead of putting the blame on others, try to free yourself of impressing others and simply be your true self, focusing on what you value the most about yourself.
When you dream of suffering a major bodily injury, your usual ability to take action is somehow being ruined.
You are concerned that your function in that area of your life is being weakened.
This dream is alerting you to take essential action.
Even if you want to fix this situation on your own, know that there are others who will be glad to help.
The corridor usually points to a much greater appreciation of yourself and all the talents and sources that you own.
The mysterious corridor also reflects on chances for change in your waking life.
You are going through a phase of transformation that requires making some decisions on what is best for you.
The greatest way of making a choice is to take some time to explore the possibilities that are opening up.
This dream indicates that an ordinarily expected situation is beginning to break up into small parts in your waking life.
The dream is warning you of a possible crash in communication with someone whom you tend to depend on.
When you dream of meeting an old friend, you are becoming familiar with the personal quality that you have somehow lost touch.
The message from this dream is that you will benefit from becoming familiar with this forgotten talent or personal quality, and would enjoy doing it again.
Your current state is an ideal chance to show this skill.
This dream often suggests that there is something you really need to say in your daily life but are having some difficulty finding the words.
Endlessly chewing gum hints that you seem to be included in a specific activity that consumes too much of your energy but isn’t something you see as satisfying.
The dream encourages you to express your opinion, even if you find it difficult.
Although you may be kind, you should find a way to say what is on your mind, even if it’s going to cause discomfort.
The more that you find excuses, the longer you will stay stuck in the same place.
A massive wave describes an obviously overwhelming rush of emotion that is happening in your waking life.
Further, dreaming about water often indicates your feelings and emotions and how they flow through you.
Like your feelings, water often appears to be flowing and changeable.
The dream indicates your worries about being overwhelmed by your emotions as you attempt and navigate your way through a period of significant change.
It could be that the circumstances are apparently out of your control, so instead of trying to change that, you better try to accept it.
Preferably instead of completely occupying yourself in the emotional chaos, try holding back and providing yourself a more accurate view of your current circumstances.
Missing a plane in your dream symbolizes you are being concerned that your plans won’t lead you to the fulfillment in your life that you thought about.
Trying to catch the plane means that you hope your ideas will rise up.
This dream is drawing your attention to the opportunity of putting your goals into action.
This dream symbolizes that you think about aspects of your own personality that you find unique.
Celebrities in dreams signify creative abilities and talents.
You may think that only others have talents, but you shouldn’t forget that you also have special skills.
Celebrities seem that they were always successful, but they worked hard to reach that point.
The more aware of your skills and abilities you are, the better you will become in your capabilities.
Dreaming of that symbolizes that you are experiencing a change in your individual consciousness in your life.
You recreate your past one’s in your dreams by using memories and your experiences of their individual characteristics.
The dream connects back with you as a part of yourself that you think you lost.
You may feel that it is real, and your loved one really visited your dream, but you are simply being reunited with what actually meant for you.
Finding a neglected animal in your dream means that there is some intuitive part of your nature that you have been unintentionally ignoring in your waking life.
The type of animal often reflects on what kind of emotion you were neglecting. Dogs symbolize your sense of loyalty. Cats display your need for some independence. Rabbits are your potential for healthy growth.
Fish are your need to fully immerse yourself in your feelings now and again. Horses and bigger animals symbolize your capacity to control your unconscious energy.
This dream is requesting your awareness of the areas of your life where you may be ignoring your needs.
Maybe you have been spending much of your time looking after the needs of others rather than taking care of what you really want for yourself.
Dreaming of that means there is a situation in your awake life that makes you feel vulnerable and exposed.
Someone who is entering a situation that is new to him and where they feel a lack of confidence in their abilities, often experience this dream.
Hiding your true self and your abilities may seem like a good solution because you prevent the possibilities of being judged and criticized.
Yet, by dreaming that you are naked in public, your unconsciousness is telling you to uncover yourself and to express your skills.
The dream interpretation of an ocean (or sea) suggests that you repress some of your unconscious emotions, feelings, and urges. This changes your attitude and reactions in your day to day life.
Try to find the fears and reasons behind why you try to repress certain emotions in your waking life. Also, take a closer look at what’s the state of the ocean. If it’s stormy, it implies – passion. If it’s calm – it represents peacefulness. If it is shallow – it suggests a lack of emotions.
Dreaming about a vehicle (most commonly a car) indicates you are thinking about the path that you are currently taking through life.
Often it is related to your profession, and you are usually examining how to go further (professionally).
It may be hard to accept that in some situations, you don’t have control, but the more you try to manage it, the more out of control you could feel.
So, instead of abandoning your present position, try to consider the fields where you do have control.
If you dream of operation, or surgery, it may be a sign that you are leaving low attitudes that are interfering with your personal growth.
The action step of this dream symbol suggests to get out, be happy, don’t find excuses to live your life, and not waste your time on regrets.
If you work in an office, it is possible that the dream is connected with your work. However, that’s not always the case; it may be related to another aspect of your life, such as particular issues or emotions.
It is possible that your unconscious mind is sending you signals to restore order in your life. If you dream that you get a new body part, this symbolizes that you are going to go through a significant life-changing event.
79. PAIN
Pain may represent the emotional struggles that you feel in your waking life. It is also possible that you are repressing these emotions that fill you with negative energy.
The dream sensation of pain can indicate that you should try to be more positive in your daily life and that you need to be kinder to yourself, even if you feel you made a mistake about certain things.
80. PARK
Dreaming of a park can symbolize that you need a moment of relaxation, from unpleasant or unexpected life events.
It is important to consider the feelings you have for this dream, the people you were with, and the park itself. The dream may be a sign that you want to feel fulfilled, and that you are in the deed of some rest.
Dreaming of pregnancy symbolizes an extended time of waiting for the fulfillment of a project in your daily life.
The dream is telling you to be patient and to contribute enough supplies for success.
You need to take it easy and wait for the natural process to happen so it can grow in its fullness.
Dreaming about being at a party can suggest that you have to embrace life a bit more, and to celebrate it. If the party is boring, and you don’t feel happy, it can indicate that you have doubts about your social skills.
The dream suggests celebrating even the small things, especially if you feel you need it.
This dream symbolizes a wish for a wider audience to see and appreciate your skills.
The most valuable member of this audience is always you, and this dream alerts that you are getting frustrated and anxious about your perceived lack of appreciation.
Hoping for others to see your skills is far more challenging to do this if you find it difficult to recognize and accept your talent.
The more relaxed you will be about performing with your unique abilities.
Dreaming of having a quarry or career means that you found things and aspects of your personality that were buried.
This dream suggests that you are on the right path of finding what you are looking for and that you know what you want. You just still have to find out how to reach your goal.
This dream often indicates that you are experiencing a conflict with something or someone.
This conflict can be within yourself, with others, or with a situation. Find out what it is, and try to look for a solution. People inside dreams often indicate hidden aspects of your personal character.
Ask yourself – how I feel about yourself, this person, or this situation, and what is the event in the dream that you are doing in the waking life?
Questioning things in a dream means that you feel self-doubt and that you feel uncertainty about making a change in your life. It can indicate that you are reconsidering an aspect of your life, and you wonder if you are on the right path.
If you dream that someone is asking you questions, it means that you have information that needs to be shared. Being asked can possibly reflect something that challenges the order you created in your life.
When you question things in dreams, it often means that you already know the answer. Your subconscious is sending you signals, so you can be aware of these things.
When questions are answered inside the dream, it is a sign that you are working out your problems, and you are trying to find a solution to the questions.
Dreaming about quicksand may indicate that you are trying to escape from certain situations in your daily life. The dream suggests that you feel uncertain about things, and you have deeper insecurities.
Learn how to leap over the quicksand instead of sinking into it.
88. RAIN
Dreams with rain can suggest that you release emotions and the positive liberation of your feelings. If you are soaking wet by rain, the dream indicates that you overreacted to something in your daily life and that sometimes you are driven by your emotions. If the rain turns into hail, it can indicate it is possible to be a victim of verbal abuse.
Rain inside a dream can be interpreted best with the reaction you have. If you feel unhappy, it can indicate that a rush of emotions is coming in your life.
A rainbow in a dream is a symbol of hope and redemption. The rainbow represents personal growth and new possibilities you are about to encounter in your waking life.
Rainbow is a powerful symbol that suggests spiritual growth, material gain, or that your dreams will come true, and you are on the right path.
Riding a bike, a motorcycle, or horse (or another animal) is associated with your intimate and love life. It may indicate that you feel fulfilled, and if you enjoy the ride, that you may experience a love affair.
If you are afraid of falling down, it may symbolize that you feel unable to commit to a partner, or that you feel sexually inhibited.
The dream indicates that it’s time to face the truth and that it’s time to change whatever has been worrying you. Try to fear the unknown and the consequences that a tough decision may bring you.
If you dream that you are squeezing through a tiny tunnel or a restricted opening suggests that you consider your growth in your life is constricted.
You start by feeling you have opportunities in the future, and space for action, but as you move forward, your options are narrowing down.
The dream suggests that you actually have more opportunities and options that you feel and think.
Even if you feel that there are strict ways and rules, you should stop trying to please everybody else, and observe the alternative ways of attaining your objective.
The meaning of this dream is that you feel something is holding back your progress in waking life.
The small doors or holes represent opportunities and chances that don’t appear big enough to get you anywhere.
This dream helps you see the possibility that you have more choices than you think.
Instead of following the route full of twists and turns like everybody else, try to look at alternative ways of achieving your goal.
The meaning of water in dreams symbolizes your feelings. When you are stepping into the water, the dream suggests that you are entering into pretty emotional events.
These circumstances are strongly affecting you emotionally.
Sinking into the water suggests that you are drowning yourself in your feelings and replying to what you experience at an entirely emotional level.
Your feelings are running quite profoundly, so it can be a shock to your system to be jumped into these irrational circumstances.
The more you can go with the flow, the more successful you will navigate these delicate circumstances.
So, to make the most of this dream instead of panicking, try to relax as much as possible.
Dreaming of a stranger reflects the fact that your instinctive knowledge of a situation is frequently more profound and enlightening than your conscious and logical thought processes.
Even if you may feel like you know yourself very well, there is often a big part of your potential that is unknown.
Your unconscious awareness is consuming large amounts of data from your surroundings regularly.
This dream is alerting you that oftentimes you know much more than you consciously realize.
Paying attention to these unconscious signs, you can start to become much more aware of the potential opportunities and how to realize them.
Different rooms in a house symbolize different features of your personality.
Since lofts are at the top of the house, they usually mean what is happening in your head.
When you dream about a loft, you are often thinking about some of your memories and ideas in waking life.
The dream means that some old thoughts and ideas are rising back into your mind.
You probably simply forgot about the ideas, but something triggered them again.
Instead of closing the door on them and hoping they will just fade away, try opening yourself up to the opportunities they might cause.
The dream interpretation suggests that you are facing plenty of opportunities to change yourself in your everyday life. Snakes symbolize possibilities for development and often describe your ability to grow and develop in waking life.
To make the most of this dream, take some transformative action in your waking life and be aware of the opportunities for personal growth.
Doing this means that you have to let go of old habits and self-limitations before you can begin forward.
Related post: DREAMING ABOUT SNAKES: Meaning And Symbolism
Being under surveillance by detectives or secret agents suggests that you are concerned about revealing your hidden emotions in waking life.
Secret agents usually symbolize sensitive emotions that you try to keep concealed from others, and spies represent how you reveal your real feelings in unguarded moments.
This dream is helping you to reveal some of the hidden strengths and passions that you usually tend to hide.
You may be shy about sharing these feelings because, however, you should give yourself permission to reveal your real feelings. This has the potential to open up a whole world of new opportunities for you.
In a dream, your legs symbolize your fundamental way of pushing yourself forward in your life.
If you feel that your legs are stuck, there is something or someone blocking your improvement, and a wider situation is holding you back somehow.
With one step at a time, start setting some of your ideas into action, rather than guessing how things could be.
To make the most of this dream, you need to stop overthinking and do more actual work to get yourself moving further.
Performing in front of the camera symbolizes that you started to look at the bigger picture in your life.
It reminds you that you are the main character in your life.
Instead of waiting for others to decide what they want, you need to start initiating your actions and efforts towards an individual and special purpose.
Dreaming of this means that you don’t feel you are moving towards the goals you had in life.
You took a path that is safe and predictable, which helps you to realize that it is not the one you would like to be following.
This dream is alerting you that with your attempting to please everybody, you are going away from your goal.
Instead of thinking about what is socially acceptable, start to focus on your purpose, because this purpose will motivate you to reach your goal.
This dream symbolizes frustration about your upward progress in a particular profession.
This dream signalizes that you feel too stifled in your current selection of career, and you wonder how to move away beyond it.
The key to liberating yourself from” the lift” is to start thinking outside the box about your possible career directions.
This dream and it’s meaning often indicates that you are thinking about your actions of past events and considering how they may have influenced what is happening presently.
This dream is appropriate to notice that your past experiences have played an important role in shaping where you are currently in your waking life.
However, you shouldn’t be afraid to explore new possibilities.
The more you can train and explore your fundamental needs, the more you will be able to feel satisfied.
This dream alerts that you are worried about being emotionally entangled in a particular situation in your life.
This dream is prompting you to free yourself from a circumstance where you feel emotionally trapped.
It might seem difficult because of the number of connections that appear to hold you back.
You may be worried that your steps will let some people down.
The best way to release yourself looks in a fair manner and to truly say how you feel.
Dreaming of that usually symbolizes that you feel that you lost some of your choices to act independently in your waking life.
This dream is reminding you to be more aware and decisive about your decisions.
Begin to retake charge of your life by taking more responsibility for your decisions.
The dream meaning of taking a shower often reflects on an emotional situation in your conscious life where you would like to clarify things because it looks a bit disordered and messy.
It may represent a need to speak up about what you need in a stressed relationship. It is possible even to feel slightly guilty.
Even though you find it challenging to clarify where you stand, because of the feeling of guilt, you should not wait for the perfect moment to do it.
The longer you wait for the ideal time, the things seem to become more critical.
The future is usually symbolized in dreams by the level of superior technological improvements.
The dream symbolizes that you are thinking of how to improve yourself. You are looking for ways to achieve some of your goals in waking life.
You might assume that everything will be much better in the future. However, to achieve it, you will need to change some of your perspectives to make it happen.
Your mind is calling you to acknowledge in a greater detail something that the future holds.
This dream interpretation is related to how strong and confident you feel in your daily life. It could be that something is challenging and causing you to lose confidence in your ability to deal with it.
Whatever situation is challenging you, you should be more confident in it. Even if you feel weaker, by just acting in a more self-confident manner, you can change the stability of strength you have.
Bombs usually symbolize accumulated energy that you are concerned about releasing.
This could be a sign telling you that you have the opportunity to make a significant change in your life.
To take the most of this dream, stop inhibiting the great amount of potential power and concentrate on the possibilities of changing some aspects of your life in a positive way.
The feeling might be terrifyingly vivid and real, and not being able to move is caused to protect your body from moving while you sleep.
This sleep paralysis leads to scary hallucinations, and even though you woke up suddenly from a dream, you can transfer dream imagery that will still remain in your perception.
You may have difficulties breathing too. (you can read more about SLEEP PARALYSIS in our article HERE)
The best option you can choose here is to try to stay calm.
No matter how much you try to move, relaxation, and affirmation that this is only a dream will let your body to wake up naturally, letting the scary visuals and hallucinations to go away.
Dreaming of this often means that you are becoming conscious of several chances for growth and improvement in your waking life. The guests coming to your house symbolize these possibilities, and even if you try and neglect them, they will continue to go until you begin to pay attention to them.
The dream is alerting you to unexplored parts of your personality that could potentially be useful to you.
Having a relaxed and comfortable routine is easy, but this can often stop you from participating in more fulfilling opportunities.
Dreaming of that usually symbolizes that you are critically observing your performance in your daily life.
It could be that you have set yourself some standards that you think you need to achieve in order to be noticed and appreciated by other people in daily life.
For successfully moving on from this dream, think of what makes you happy and fulfilled in life, and how successful you are in achieving it.
This is often something joyous and spontaneous, which doesn’t require endless preparation.
This dream meaning indicates that there is some situation in your life that is negative and harmful, but you are struggling with letting it go. Searching for a toilet tells you are looking for some way to express what you need.
To resolve this situation, you have to put your needs before the needs of others.
This enables you to set personal boundaries that will allow you to look after yourself.
Having this dream symbolizes that you are considering larger aspects of your life and the experience you gathered so far in your life.
This reflects the fact that you may feel quite happy and have no wish to change, but one part of you is always out there, questing and looking, and wondering about new opportunities to make your mark.
The message from this dream is that part of you is constantly exploring and searching for new opportunities.
This doesn’t mean you have to change your life. You could feel satisfied with your current situation. However, you are just opening up to expand your possibilities.
Vaccination or injection with something in a dream means that you lack enthusiasm in your life.
It can symbolize that you are trying to protect yourself from unwanted emotions. A syringe can have a sexual undermining, too. It can imply that sometimes you need to give up something to get out something better.
The conclusion for this dream implies that it is healing and emotional liberation.
The vampire dream can symbolize that some circumstances of your life are sucking out life from you and that you need to figure out what’s going on.
It can be a partner, a friend, a family member that’s trying to control your life.
You need to find a way to protect yourself and to take care of your life and decisions.
Going on a vacation in your dream can be a sign of a feeling of disappointment with your current life. If you are carrying too much luggage, that reflects your worries, and if you lose your ticket, that suggests anxiety about losing an opportunity in your life.
If the dream was with negative or positive feelings, you could figure if you feel nervous or calm about your waking life circumstances.
If you dream of violence, that turns you into a victim, it can symbolize that you feel vulnerable in waking life.
It can be a feeling of guilt for doing something that may upset someone.
Try to identify who is the attacker, and what’s the thing that makes you feel anxious and afraid, consciously or unconsciously.
Village symbolizes a desire for simple living, and they wish to be closer to others. Moving to a new village indicates that a change is coming into your life.
Try to be brave, and be open to new opportunities and new connections, which will be beneficial for you in the future.
119. VIRUS
Dreaming of a virus means that you are afraid of being influenced by others.
Some ideas or thoughts are causing irritability in you, and taking suggestions, and negative attitudes from others might be affecting you.
Try to listen to your intuition, and if something feels wrong, try to find an alternative solution.
The dream symbolizes that you are in a situation in your conscious life where you find struggles to talk to a particular person.
The message from this dream is that perhaps you should not blame the other person but think about your communication skills.
Not being able to get to someone means that you should try a different approach.
This dream symbolizes that you became more aware of something unique that you own.
It could be a skill or talent. Being conscious of that often opens new opportunities, and the more you value your skills, the more possibilities you will face.
The message of this dream is that you need to treasure your abilities. It suggests you discover more and to explore them on a deeper level. And don’t wait for others to see your true value, but focus on what you are able to do.
Wearing the wrong clothes in a dream means that you are anxious about how you might be appearing to other people in your waking life.
Your clothes usually determine the basis of how other people see you, and we tend to choose our outfit according to the image that we want to present to others.
This dream is pulling your attention to the differences between who you really are and how you believe you are supposed to appear.
Instead of trying to act in a fake or unrealistic way, with hopes that will allow you to fit in, you need to reconsider how you might show up differently in specific situations.
If you dream that you are being stalked by a predator, it proposes that you are concerned about becoming occupied by a part of your personality that appears dangerous and uncontrollable to you.
You are frightened that your behavior might become uncontrollable, and others will reject you for being too dangerous and disruptive.
This dream is making you aware that you are being too nervous about revealing your natural abilities to other people.
Rather than trying to cover your abilities, start tracking your impulses and observing your behaviors.
The more aware you are of your natural behavior, the more confidently you can reveal you’re true nature.
If you dream of winning a sport, it indicates that you are focused on how to reach your goals and how to increase your performance.
The alert from this dream is that you should challenge yourself to end any fears or doubts regarding your skills and abilities.
Being concerned about specific skills, you may be weaker is normal, but try to focus on your strengths and simply work on your vulnerable areas.
Wrong paperwork symbolizes that you are attempting to declare your authentic identity.
Perhaps, you could have a hard time showing who you really believe you are, which may be confusing to other people.
This dream is alerting you that you are attempting to prove your unique identity while spending a lot of time hoping that people will recognize your uniqueness.
To make the most of this dream, don’t wait for others to give you the approval to be yourself, but instead challenge yourself by cutting down your self-inflicted limitations.
X symbol often indicates that something uncertain in your life is/will happen, for which you need to pay more attention.
Dreaming the symbol X also represents passion, sexual desires, and the unknown. It can be related to a mistake you’ve recently made.
The X symbol is a powerful sign of self-reflection. When you see X in a dream, it is possible to indicate that you need to put more effort into facing your fears, resisting the desire for things you think you shouldn’t have, and to respect everyone, even if you don’t like them.
127. X-RAY
This indicates that someone is affecting your life, or that you are being deceived by someone or something. The dream can indicate that you are working through a problem or issue that has been troubling you.
You need to look beneath the surface of the person or situation. This may reexamine your beliefs or actions. This current situation may be forcing you to look beneath the surface.
This color has both positive and negative connections. You can discover which is closely related to you by the dream; if it was a good one, then consider the positive meaning.
On the positive side, the yellow color in your dreams symbolizes that you are able to think clearly. On the contrary, it can suggest who doesn’t have any positive life goals.
It’s possible that the dream sign is urging you to adopt some positive qualities, such as happiness, warmth, and a sunny mood. The dream urges you to improve your self-confidence and to cheer up.
If yin and yang appears in your dream, it symbolizes balance and equilibrium.
Yin and yang is a balance of opposites, representing the duality within us – right and wrong, emotional and rational, the feminine and the masculine, the spiritual and the physical.
Yin and yang indicate that we are capable of doing good but also bad things. It is a sign to embrace both sides of yourself and the evil side, too, in order to control it.
The yin and yang are a reminder that no matter how hard you try, you will never be purely good nor your worst purely evil. By acknowledging all sides of your character, you will learn more about yourself.
130. ZEBRA
Zebra symbolizes a balance, wildness, freedom, and strength. It also indicates that opposites attract.
It is a message to embrace freedom and try to find if something makes you feel limited, and do you want to have some wildness in your life.
If you dream that you are a zombie, it means that you feel a lack of variety in your life.
You are possibly feeling detached from people and situations surrounding you. You feel “dead” inside, and you just live day-to-day.
If you are attacked by zombies, you feel overwhelmed by your waking life, and you feel stressed. Finally, seeing as a zombie implies that your feelings for them are gone, and you feel nothing for them.
Depending on the context, zombies in dreams are a sign that you may feel peer pressure, but you should try to think more independently or objectively.
132. ZOO
A zoo symbolizes that you feel caged in real life and certain abilities that are unnoticed by others.
The zoo dream can also indicate your desire to understand your urges. It is a sign that you should find a solution to a situation in your life.
Dreams and Their Meanings – FAQ:
From where are all these dream interpretations?
The dream interpretations are from various books.
Some of them are – The Top 100 Dreams by Ian Wallace and The Dream Dictionary from A to Z, by Theresa Cheung.
If you are looking for longer and deeper meanings of these dream symbols, check the books.
They are great resources, that have the potential to increase the public awareness of the importance of dreams and sleep, and how to make effective use of them.
Why is dream interpretation meaningful?
Your dreams and their meaning could have some benefits to your waking life.
By becoming more aware of your dreams, and what do dreams mean, you can improve your characteristic qualities, creativity, problem-solving, etc.
Besides, you may find out what are your deepest unconscious wishes and have realizations that can help you grow and improve as an individual.
A single example is Albert Einstein when, in 1895, he used inspiration from his dream to bring the Theory of Relativity out into his waking life.
His words were:
The gift of dreaming has meant more to me than my talent for absorbing conscious knowledge.
How do I interpret any of my dreams?
With certain techniques you can interpret and discover the meaning of ANY dream you have.
If you cannot find a specific dream interpretation here, check this guide and find out how to find the dream meaning.
Why my dreams are so weird?
Sometimes our dreams could be pretty weird, and you may do things that you never thought about in your waking life.
The unconscious mind is connecting things in an unusual way, and perhaps, it is trying to send you some signals.
No matter what you dream, you should not feel bad about it.
Are dream interpretations accurate?
The meaning of dreams can be explained. However, the only one you can trust 100% is your inner guide.
Only the dreamers can truly know the meaning of their dream.
Yet, don’t forget that people from all over the world, regardless of country or culture, report the same dream patterns with remarkable consistency.
People worldwide are unconsciously experiencing similar dream stories over and over again!
Therefore, there should be some connection and some general explanation behind some dream symbols.
Can I interact with my dreams, and take advantage of the dream world?
There are ways in which you can learn how to become conscious inside of your dreams. With practice, you can even LEARN how to CONTROL YOUR DREAMS.
Lucid dreaming will allow you to fully understand your dreams, on a completely new level.
Our platform is an extensive online guide, that can teach you how to understand your dreams better, by ”waking up” during a particular dream and shaping it the way you want.
Feel free to explore some of the most helpful articles for beginners:
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Hy Deer dream interpreter, thank you for your guide or advice !
I will say more one day. Bye
My dream involved walking down the street with somebody who I’m not certain who it was. We were discussing the governor. As we walked we came upon a house and we stopped in front of it and the person I was speaking with said this is the governor’s house. At that precise moment the house caught fire in a huge fireball and just as quickly became just a slow methodical fire. Just the interior of the house was on fire the rest of the house seemed to be intact. There was a wrap around porch with a woman and a man on the right side, there was a little boy at the top of the stairs in front of them leading to the lawn and a little girl who was falling down the stairs into the yard. She was wearing white ankle socks and they were on fire but curiously she wasn’t afraid or screaming she just said it will go out don’t worry about it. I dreamed this several times in the same night. For the life of me I cannot figure out what this means. Can you help? Thank you
That is a very complex dream and unfortunately, I think only you might know the answer to the meaning behind it. I recommend you to try to interpret the dream by yourself,
using our guide:
in my dream i was shot and then bleeding out, asking my mum and brother to take me to hospital to which they said “we’ll go tomorrow “, and, “stop whining we’ll go in the morning”, they eventually took me to the hospital but when they removed my clothing to see the wound, it was just a tiny cut and i was humiliated, everyone was annoyed at me. it was such a vivid dream and really felt like a sign, any idea what this means?
It means that some people in your life are not taking your needs seriously and are putting them aside. And when you got shot that means that you had a serious need but when they look at it it’s minor
I dreamt of a donkey trying to kick me where I jumped,I woke up end my heartbeat was high
My dream was yesterday started with me and my two children when they were young (they are now grown)we were walking in a long hallway that had a glass wall facing the ocean. We were in a museum. We were looking on the wall at some pictures. I turned around to look out the window and I saw a humongeous Tsunami rising up out of the oceans and coming at us. At that instant I held tightly my children and the wall. I told them to hold their breath they were too young to know what to do. I took a deep breath as the Tsunami tidal way burst through the glass wall and came over us. I could not hold my children I held my breath as long as I could when it was over the wall was still there my children had been taken by the Tsunami as well as all the other vistors. i was the only one left. I was in shock and continued to look for my children. Then I woke up crying as it was so real like and traumatic. Im am still shaken by it. Even though I know its not real. Any ideal what it means?
I think your kids live away from you , u miss’s them and u are afraid of losing them , it’s just Ur Love for them ,,( just my opinion, it may or may not be true)
I often dream of not remembering where I parked my car. I become scared and anxious looking for it. I always know I had not been focusing on where I parked it when I parked it. Sometimes it’s just in a parking lot. Other times it is on a street.
This is really weird but sometimes I am able to replay scenes from many past dreams in one dream. In my dream, I realize this is happening and I feel excited about this ability to call up old dreams. They come flashing by like a slide show! Is this normal? In normal consciousness, my memory is terrible, so these dream slideshows just amaze me.
I think that’s really cool, In my dreams, when I realize I’m dreaming, I can fly, and teleport. I think it’s so cool that we’re able to do things like that. I think you being able to replay your dreams isn’t exactly normal, but I think different people can do different things when they know that they are dreaming because I try to do a lot of things but I can only fly and teleport and use some sort of intangibility.
My dream was about me being the devil I was sinnging to an old song I had an adiunce i was floating in the air over looks like hell well i was looking into the croud. I see my second ex i fell in love with beneath me was my bf i was currently dating riding with BMX tryna fight people around me then i slip into a direct part of my dream i seen my daughter she was older tho in a cage i scared her i remember holding onto this gold mermaid object and i would press down on it with both hands and speak and i can hear the divel or god in the sky then i remember my first love father of my children was chasing me i was running from him and i ended up in a aoutrime and everything went dark and scary i seen a exit and entering door i try going for the exit door and some guy on the outside of it says nope were closed for the weekend and he locks it i was stuck in there running saying no no wait then i said i love you and he says while my vision is getting closer to his face I’ve been waiting for you to say that and then i slip in to being o the beach with this kid from my old high school we were just friends tho.. idk i woke up crying and dricnhed in sweat i was scared because i litterly was talking about the devil before i fell asleep plus i was having a aguemrnt with my bf at the time i was being rude saying ugly things to him .. I’m sure it was a message i got but i don’t understand it at all .. really
I am dreaming almost daily about relatives gathering at my home or visiting my home for celebrations.What could be the reason for this.
I think that it could mean that you miss your family and that you want to spend more time with them or maybe it’s telling you that you should spend time with your family.
I was riding through a non-busy road in countryside and met a road construction team , and I parked my scooter there and went to the nearby “old mysterious,never seen before” palace,where I met my friend who said that there is very new and interesting things there.As I explored it more,i found a route to very attractive place and I kept moving and moving and found a singer’s house (who is flop now) and upon further scrutiny, an inclined path of bricks and concrete which lead to a sea and beside the sea there was a board written with “Canada”.
I have dreamt this scenario for than 4 times and to your information me and my That friend really want to live in Canada.
Thanks for explaining that becoming aware of your dreams can help you realize your deep, unconscious wishes and help you grow as an individual. Lately I’ve been having a lot of strange dreams, so I’ve been really curious if they have any significance or are just random. After having read your article, I think I’ll look deeper and maybe talk to a professional about my dreams.
I have the same dream quite often. I am in some kind of factory or machine and I’m trying to get out but the machine is always moving and im trying to avoid being trapped or crushed. I never get hurt but am constantly ducking and squeezeing through tight spaces etc. if I do get out I can’t find my car (another common dream of mine) or am in a city I think I know but am lost nonetheless.
I once had a horrific nightmare when someone broke in my house had a knife cut my friends head off his whole throat hanging out then he came to me knocked me out I woke up in a room in my house but It was not my house it was a big house my limbs were missing he poked his head around the corner holding my legs started walking and laughing at the same time walking toward feeling hopeless I just cried in terrer he disappeared I was so scared I looked around the house suddenly a feeling of dread came over me the room became cold before I could turn around he slashed my throat this dream keeps happening I am scared to sleep I don’t know what it means but I need to know what to do to make it stop every time I wake up I wake up sweating.
my dream was that there was this girl that was sleeping in a fire, and she survived but she had breathed in not just alot of smoke but also a alienated chemical that was pretty much worse than cancer. a group called APG or something like that, (i think it stands for alienated. pateints. group) took her in and i saw this card, like, a secruity card and i’ve never seen anything like it. it had droplets of goo or something like that it was all purple with a black background. anyway, 9 years later, ( still in the dream) she was able to get surgery. and this whole thing would go away. but she had get her arm amputated because one of the nurses messed up. then i woke up.
I have really odd dreams.
I’m in different scenarios..embarrassing ones.
But one really caught my attention
A few days ago,I had a dream about a vampire
(It wasn’t me and I wasn’t the one getting bit-It was a movie plot.I wasn’t featured in it)Anyways,the vampire was tall and male and the other female and short..He bit into her neck and then it went black and turned back on she said “Not so fast..You didn’t think I was that easy” And i think she pushed him or stabbed him in the neck either way he was shocked as she was sitting in this red dim lit nursing bed(the whole dream was red)
i always dreaming that my daughter is lost . and earthquike with my daughterr
I had a dream that I was homeless and I got rapped by some young boys I told my oldest son and him and his friends went to get revenge and a shoot out happened he was handcuffed a the police arrived and I was arrested for selling woke me up crying and scared for my child. I am working 4000miles away from home and my son is stuck in a marriage he doesn’t want to be in.Help me please
In my dream I arrived at a manor. It was all black and the sky was blood red. Inside was a grand hall and a woman who seemed to be waiting for me. She looked as if she was a noble from the dark ages. She took me to the dining hall where we ate and talked. I don’t remember the conversation but the last thing she said to me was “it is always you in the box “.
I dreamt about walking thru my house opening the doors and checking all the corners to see is it really my house went outside and tried to fly but couldn’t there was this one kid holding my hand
Hey, I think this is an interesting perspective, I think I may have a different point of view seeing certain dreams that I have, that’s within those 100 different dreams and meanings. I know whenever I sleep and in my dream, my teeth are falling out, I feel it’s because my face is against my pillow, and my teeth are pressed against the pillow which is making my teeth numb, so while I’m sleeping, it feels like my teeth are falling out. I’ve never thought of it as it meaning that it’s related to how strong and confident you feel in your daily life, just it’s interesting to look at it that way. I do think that some of these are some good ways of seeing dreams. I think seeing dreams this way can be a good thing, because all of these seem like positive things come from knowing what these dreams mean and doing something to change it. So it can definitely help people work on themselves if they have these kind of things happen in their dreams. With me, there’s a lot of things I’ve seen and witnessed in my dreams, and I know that they have to mean something, but it’s hard to pinpoint what exactly the dream is trying to tell me. There was one dream that I had, that was a little crazy. I was in some kind of place indoors with a couple of my friends and a few family members, and we were surrounded by water that was electrical. There was some point where we were stuck and out of nowhere, we were surrounded by 5 or 6 super tall and long black figures with no faces. Once they were around us, I wasn’t able to move, and everything began to be blurry, then I guess I woke up after that. But I always think about that dream and just wonder why did all of that happen and what did it mean. I know a lot of people that commented have talked about their own dream experiences like the one of them being the devil, or how some people have the same dreams. I know we can come up with our own meanings for these things, but it is really hard to figure out the meaning of these dreams or why these dreams are happening to us. I think majority of these really can’t be answered and maybe it’s supposed to stay has a mystery, but I think using these meanings can help work on themselves.
Hey, I think this is an interesting perspective, I think I may have a different point of view seeing certain dreams that I have, that’s within those 100 different dreams and meanings. I know whenever I sleep and in my dream, my teeth are falling out, I feel it’s because my face is against my pillow, and my teeth are pressed against the pillow which is making my teeth numb, so while I’m sleeping, it feels like my teeth are falling out. I’ve never thought of it as it meaning that it’s related to how strong and confident you feel in your daily life, just it’s interesting to look at it that way. I do think that some of these are some good ways of seeing dreams. I think seeing dreams this way can be a good thing, because all of these seem like positive things come from knowing what these dreams mean and doing something to change it. So it can definitely help people work on themselves if they have these kind of things happen in their dreams. With me, there’s a lot of things I’ve seen and witnessed in my dreams, and I know that they have to mean something, but it’s hard to pinpoint what exactly the dream is trying to tell me. There was one dream that I had, that was a little crazy. I was in some kind of place indoors with a couple of my friends and a few family members, and we were surrounded by water that was electrical. There was some point where we were stuck and out of nowhere, we were surrounded by 5 or 6 super tall and long black figures with no faces. Once they were around us, I wasn’t able to move, and everything began to be blurry, then I guess I woke up after that. But I always think about that dream and just wonder why did all of that happen and what did it mean. I know a lot of commenters have talked about their own dream experiences like the one of them being the devil, or how some people have the same dreams. I know we can come up with our own meanings for these things, but it is really hard to figure out the meaning of these dreams or why these dreams are happening to us. I think majority of these really can’t be answered and maybe it’s supposed to stay has a mystery, but I think using these meanings can help work on themselves.
i dreamt i went to a place soemthing ike forst to save a dog. when i got hold of the dog, a colleague still wanted to come to us but i already have the dog in my arms.As i watched him come to us, a saw a massive python on his way. i was trying to warn him, but no words came out of my moutn and he still wanted to come , when i alrdy had the dog on my arms. When he came upon the python ( of which he was not aware and thought it was just a huge trunk blockinghis way) he suddenly disappeared ( i did not see the pythonn astucally swallowing him) . When he was gone, i felt more peaceful and secured that the python took him instead of me and the dog.
So I have a lot of dreams in which I am with my family, but not all of them always different members ( one time I knew they where my old family members like from very old ceturies )and then I have to save them and lock them with me in a room quickly becausee someone was chasing us and then I wanted to lock the locker on the door but it was really hard and in this moment the people chasing us were coming. I lock the first door with locker but then I realise that there is a second door which is open. I hurried to lock it but it won’t lock. Then the firSt locker unlocks and so I try to lock it again and so the two doors open again and again and as I wake up i am really confused and look at my bedroom’s door to see if it is locked or to see who’s in there.
It was a combination of earthquake and tsunami dream. And I can’t help myself but research about it cause the feeling was overwhelming. My family was involved in my dreams.
My mom and I were at the mall when a sudden strong earthquake occurred. I ran, when I remember my mom I turned to drag her cause the mall was falling apart. And my Dad and little sister were at the other part of the mall that’s why after the incident me and my mom tried to find them. And there in my dream,my sister was in a mental hospital. Saying she was mentally illed due to the event. But she recovered immediately and my father was fine as well. But just in time everything was getting better, there comes the big wave of tsunami. I saw it with own two eyes. The waves was huge and it was terrible. I am with my mom again at the moment. And I tried to call out my younger sister but she ran at a different direction and right in my face, I saw my younger sister got carried away with the big waves. And I shouted at the top of lungs. Me and my mom was at a higher place so we were kinda safe. And then I remember my Dad, I tried to call him but the place where we know he was working was underneath the water already and there were dead people floating. And again, I screamed my Dad’s name and cried. And then I woke up and searched the meaning of my dream cause it really bothered me. I have another older sister but she was not involved in the dream at all. I’m not in the best phase of my life now that’s why maybe I’m dreaming of things like this ?
I donot know i got really weird dreams really weird . It seams really real . I can control it it look natural . Some are events that happens in my life even i got dream of chronic disease before it happens . Sometime i got dreams with gods , in temple , in ending of world . sometime fantasy that are really good stories . But problem is that because of this dream i cannot have proper sleep i wake up tiered and exhausted . I donot if something it meaning or i am playing with my own head .
Hi, thanks for articles. I dont know how to read my dream and if it same happening in real life also. I am very scared how can i handle the situation before happen in real life. Maximum night i am dream in different situation good or not. I dreamt also i was lost in the airport and road was too dark, bike was riding very fast, unable to cross another road side. I was stuck in middle of the road with a friend and that dream around 20/30 min continue . After some days/month i didnt remember clearly, i went to airport to pick up my husband, same like that cab driver drop me another location, just little bit far from husband location. We took some time to get our location and then suddenly i recalled my dremt as happen. My question is, how can read or understand before happening to real life and how to avoid/solve from the situations. Every night i dreamt different worst conditions and sometime i dont want to sleep the night also. It is not one time happened, some difficulties situation done same as dreamt, even we dont want in real life also. Please let me know some tips or solutions how to haddle or understand dream.
Peaceful greetings. Hopefully, things have worked out well for you, and your dreams are now happy. I’m sorry they had troubled you. I am not an expert. From what I have learned, vehicle a (like a bike( that are going too fast can symbolize some aspect of our life we feel is becoming out of our control. Pathways may symbolize decisions; dark paths may symbolize unknown aspects of a potential option. When interpreting dreams, it might help to write down the key features and characters (such as: bicycle; road; dark or darkness; husband; etc., and feelings and thoughts that are brought to mind. One may look up each key object or person and then more detail about them. It might help to remember that each dreamer’s dream is their own — while there may be common, or even universal symbolisms, it may be important to reflect on what the various components and overall dream mean to you. Take care, pleasrlpant dreams.
Hi guys, just wanna share you all one of my nightmares that really scared me and made me worry so much. im 26 and I have a son, this lil boy of mine, I haven’t seen him for a couple of months already, I had a wife but we are now separated. and not in a good relationship too even becoming friends is impossible, my son is with her and her family and I am living now with my parents. I tried to fix us, but still she doesn’t want or love me anymore. and they don’t want me to see my son. so moving forward, I dreamt of my son, being left alone in the park. lying down, I don’t remember if he is asleep or injured. lots of people around but he is just being ignored. and in that dream, I passed by him 3x and still im ignoring him. but in the real world, I love and miss my son with all my heart. guys what can you advice?
If you are still interested, I think I can assist you in understanding that dream. Offer my opinion, that is. Obviously you’re grieving, thus feeling a lack of power and control. Not to mention guilt and possibly betrayed. These emotions incorporate into that dream. You miss your son. You miss what was. Your past is your present, but in reverse because of your emotions. Your vibrating at a lower frequency which makes past, present, and future trauma that much more apparent.
One of the hardest rolls as a parent is being separated from your child. I too am separated from my own son. I can see your dream vividly. It’s why I felt I needed to reach out. Though my situation is different…. It’s kind if the same.
In dream, you did not reach out to your son because in wake, you CANT reach out to him. Even though your heart aches to hold him and love him you are unable to do say in daily life. Same as your dream. You probably have guilt over the outcome of the relationship and the split, or so I would assume. Upon waking you displayed that same guilt for not reaching for your boy, while nobody else did either. Why did no body reach out to your son, you must wonder? A precious, innocent child. In the sleep state – I feel this entire dream was about you. Not neglect, or unlove, or anything untoward if your child — but you my dear. No body is helping you. No one is reaching out to you. Nothing or no one as of this moment has been able to lift you off of the ground and heal your wounds.
You are the one hurt my darling. For you are your son. He was made by you. He is a part of you. The best parts of you. And right now, with your grief, longing, and heart aches, the best parts of you feel broken and shattered. Your very soul Fragmented.
Be this as it may – though my words have been daunting – there is hope. There is light. And much knowledge and wisdom to be perceived from this one dream alone, the message it gave me so clearly, the very words I say to you now; in which I deeply believe will help you in more than one way.
That is this, the live that you have for your son – the love only a father can know – that deep seeded love – you must feel it for yourself as well. Love yourself. Forgive yourself. Love those that continue to thwart you. And yes, even forgive them. Do not dwell on the past. Do not hide in the shadows of sadness for events that can not be changed. Instead, release it. Let go. Will power and belief.
No one can steal your memories. Use them to find happiness again. Focus on it and when you picture it, believe it. Because that will heal your hurt. Enough for you to regain your confidence in yourself to know in your heart, tomorrow is another day. And when you are living on higher energies, you’ll find life will bring you what you need. Things will get better, they will get easier, and eventually, not only will your dreams change but so will your life.
It’s a lot to take in, I know. But just know that with an ending there is a new beginning and you are the one to pave that path. It’s your journey. See how, and where you want to go. Create you future. Believe it, feel it, and know it. And that live you have for your son will resignate with in you. You have the control. You have had it all along. Channel it. And it will be.
Hope this helped in any way possible. You are the first person I have spoken these words to. The first time I’ve stepped out if my comfort zone without fear of what people will think of my opinion. But for some reason, I felt compelled to reply. Sorry it’s so lengthy. Writer in the making, I tend to Overkill. Lol.
Feel free to email me anytime if you wish. Would love to hear your thoughts.
[email protected]
– Amanda
I feel you didn’t reach out to your son in the dream, because you yourself need to reach within. Heal yourself. Because just like in the dream, no one else reached out. That’s is because you must do it for yourself. That was the hardest part of my healing process. Learning to do me over other’s. But once we heal ourselves, the ease of helping others comes much easier. The universe will provide. Work hard on finding happiness my dear. Only good things will come from it.
I had a few dreams of one girl, all looking the same.
Once I was growing up with this girl, we grew up in an 1800’s to early 1900’s era in an old british look, when we was together she tripped on a stone, I asked if she was okay as I saw she was bleeding from her leg, and as I picked her up I tried to take her back to the mansion holding her in front of me, knocking with the mansion’s lion door knocker. All the while as I knocked I begged that they please open the door and help and at that moment I was not sure of anything anymore as a police officer saw me and had seemed to break open the glass window with a gunshot I turned around I saw and old timey police car with a policewoman, I blamed myself. Soon after I found myself in a hospital and as I saw a bed, I tried to follow what was happening but I disappeared, and found myself in a what had seemed to be an apartment.
Part 2
Another I found myself in a place looking like a church and while playing I saw a pair of children the girl looking exactly like a childish version of the woman I saw in the previous dream, but instead I saw the boy but I somehow saw everything from both 1st and 3rd person view, then I (in 3rd person view) saw a cherub with a harp, softly smiling at me, soon after leaving into a forest meadow and me begging it to wait.
Part 3/Part 4
As I was thinking about going to decide to go to university, the woman was in my dream, instead was seen as a young teenager, I made it late for registration, but when I decided to try again I saw her again in my dream and we had been living a normal life but as I woke up and went back to sleep we continued from where we left off.
What does all this even represent?!
So I had a dream I was at work forgot my steel toes shoes. Then I had trouble finding them, but I kept forgetting what was doing. I was Confused. Finally found them but couldn’t find my way back to work kept going through door after Door with constant confusion. After going through different buildings and doors trying to get out, I saw a window and it was raining. I just wanted then to get outside for fresh air. Somehow I seen my freind searching for me because I disappeared from work. Searched for door, found am emergency exit. As soon I got outside I went a few steps. Then collapsed, my legs gave out and I fell too the ground. I could see my friend above me calling for an ambulance and fire truck.
In dream I saw a tall person wearing very decorative turban standing in a queue . What it indicates
Once I was growing up with this girl, we grew up in an 1800’s to early 1900’s era in an old british look, when we was together she tripped on a stone, alforiagy I asked if she was okay as I saw she was bleeding from her leg, and as I picked her up I tried to take her back to the mansion holding her in front of me, knocking with the mansion’s lion door knocker
My brothers mother in law is very ill, his father in law died a few years ago, it was expected not sudden, my brother has recently dreamt that he was talking with his father in law, who told him he was still living he was not dead, his wife’s family are devoted catholics, and he is troubled by the dream, and not happy to share it with his wife, what does it mean
I dreamt of seeing myself visiting the grave of my husband I was practically crying coz I felt I miss him alot I kneel down beside d grave crying and when I looked aside I saw my husband sitting on a chair very calm. Where in, in actual fact/in wakefulness my husband is alive. Before this I saw myself packing my clothes trying to figure out which to be wearing coz am pregnant in d dream so in wakefulness and I have a large stomach and I was so attracted to a particular trousers which is large in size and I thought it fit for me to wear immediately after that I saw myself in bathroom washing d clothes I was putting on because I urinates on them and I don’t want anyone to find out about that. Pls what’s the interpretation of my dreams?
it means that you have to wake up and go to the toilet.
Absolutely true! I also find that when my bladder is really full the dreams try to convey that sense of urgency by creating washrooms that are more dirty and sometimes downright disgusting- all to get me to wake up!
The dream I just had was really creepy. I was like dead or dying or something. Like a voodoo doll or something. I couldnt feel anything but some creature kept stabbing me with a Needle and thread and had it like put through all my skin and organs. It was weird. I couldnt move. And I could barely feel it. And I wanted to try to escape but I couldnt move. I could only move my hands a lil over my mouth. It was just horrible.
Am into oil And gas business (kerosene)
I dreamed that there was kerosene scarcity and I was looking for it but while looking for it I saw some people fetching water. I decided to fetch water. When I went there they directed me to a lonely side that I should fetch mine there that every spot is occupied. I didn’t argue and went there but some things happened there.after I dug the ground to enable the water run out and allow me scup the water. As I was digging the ground so as to scup water with my small cup kerosene that I was looking for initial started gushing out. I was amazed and confused. Not only was kerosene gushing from the hole I saw oyster coming out too. I caught them and opened them and they had pearls in them
2nd dream
My elder brother is banker but In my dream I went to visit my brother in a place that looks like a confinement .while waiting for my brother to be brought I noticed that the room became cold which made me look around and I noticed that ice and frost where growing on one side of the room wall. Confused I went to have a closer look and opposite that particular wall ,a guava tree was growing on the wall with ripe fruits I went to hav a closer look I noticed that the guava tree had orange fruits on it. Immediately my brother walked in while having a conversation with him a short man opened the door and acknowledged us. I turned and looked at the unknown man and noticed that he wore a male and female shoes.
And I woke up. Pls help me explain these
i had many times dream about my mom she’s past away 36 yrs ago the time she past away i was pregnant to my second baby the day she died it was my 1st kid 7th birthday.We supposed to have a big birthday party that day but become a funeral day.Anyway in my dream my mom is sitting on her chair my older daughter is sitting beside her while my little baby boy is on her lap( she never see my baby boy) her eyes is so sad.Everytime i dream about my mom is always the same. My younger brother is past away 8 yrs ago. In my dream he is lying down on his coffin i’m standing close to him suddenly he just get up and asking for a glass of water and i told him i will get a glass of water just lay down again because you’r dead already, to my 2nd dream about him is he invite me to go somewhere we are in train station waiting for the train but suddenly he just gone when i’m looking for him i cannot walk because the train station become flooded look like a river. i dream also all my brother and sister with my mom (they are all dead) we are walking in the farm but they are too far from me ,my mom keep yelling at me hurry up we gonna be late but everytime i walk faster they become to far from me.When i was kid almost every night i have a dream that i’am flying like a plane then it will going down very fast till i can’t breath,now i’am old my dream is always close to the river or i am walking to the water.
There are days where I consecutively dream about me killing someone without feeling remorse or anything besides I feel satisfied actually ib my dreams and sometimes my dreams are about someone dying because of some serious illness. What does this mean? Can you help me I always freak out whenever this happens.
Hello sir, my dream was unique. I had a dream in which I was stuck in a very small bathroom which I can’t open. The space was so small even I was not able to move. I cried loudly please open the door because I was not able to breathe properly and no one was opening the door. Suddenly, I heard some voice. I asked to open the door and he opened the door. Then I was full with wet, anxious.
Story not ends here, I wanted to tell my mom about the incident. You won’t believe I had continuous 50-60 dreams. Whenever I was telling the story to my mom in dream, I waked up in the dream. Then same story repeated continuously. When I woke up in reality I was not sure I was real or dream…
Please tell me the psychology behind this. Thanks,
With regards,
Advocate Prince Sharma.
Hello people,
I hope you are well and great
I’m researching the Dream interpretation web site. And I’m going to see your site. Thank you for providing the best interpretater
Keep up the great work, it’s hard to find good ones. I added to my favorites.
Thank you very much.
I had a dream I was in my childhood home (my grandmas house which is still my grandmas house to this day) & that I was starting to get really scared so I tried to call my boyfriend to come & get me & after a minute I said never mind get me an Uber I need to get out of here & after a second my messages stopped going through & I started to freak out & I tried to talk to my grandma & she told me that I was in hell I tried to tell her that I wanted to follow god I didn’t want to be in hell I wanted to be in heaven I want to follow god I want to praise him & that’s when she revealed to me that my grandmas husband was the devil & she was a demon ( my grandma is a very devout Christian) & I grabbed my dog (put him on his leash) & jumped in my moms truck outside in the parking lot & tried to drive & find a way out but everywhere I went everyone was a demon following the devil & would try and capture me I woke up & started crying to my boyfriend & then went to my mom & started crying my eyes out I’ve had bad dreams all the time supernatural ? Yes super vivid & can’t twll the difference between a dream & reality? Yes but that was a whole nother level of it I don’t know what to think of it & I really need some insight on this
this is wonderful and amazing, thanks l have learn a lot, in another away this is true and precise interpretation of dreams.
I had a dream that me and some other people was all outside somewhere in a neighborhood and I seen an old friend her name was kierra I knew her from myrtle beach but then this dark cloud came so everybody who was outside was running then it came over everybody and rained hard so we all ran into a house because we culdnt see anything everybody was scared and I kept callin my little sister her name is Niah name to see if she made it to the house but I culdnt find her so I told my friend kierra to come help me go back outside to find her we were looking for Niah then I found her and brought her inside I was hovering over her because she was crying saying that she was calling my name and culdnt find me so I was telling her it was okay yur fine now I got yu she was so scared and shaking.
Second one my little sister Niah was lost somewhere in another world and I told my mama that I wuld go find her and bring her home so I found a car and started driving really fast getting losttrying to find out where she was but then I woke up so I don’t remember nothing else
I don’t remember too much but my dream went roughtly like that:
First I remember seeing a woman’s face.
I believe it was in my room.
Next I escaped from her flying through the window using wings I apparently had on my back.
I hid on the trees in my back garden.
Not sure but there was someone else there.
Afterwards I fled once more.
Next thing I remember is moving my shoulders to fly and quickly reaching a city where I lied on a roof looking up.
Later I left the roof jumping down head first towards the crown on the street. It was packed but I believe I saw a man’s looking calmly right at me before I flied up.
Next I was woken up due to emergency.
Except the man I believe a lot of people were looking up.
I also remember felling good when flying up.
I dont remember any sound from my dream (as usual).
Wonderful information.
good information thanks for sharing.
I had a dream that I was harvesting ripe tomatos from my garden among which are some which were spoild and eaten by birds, what does this means.
I dreamed I was fetching salt from a river
Ive been trying to find the meaning of this dream but can’t seem to find it. Someone was being cuddly with me but I didn’t know who it was and I am single then they began grabbing at me and began kind of scratching they basically were squeezing the crap out of me and scratching me like they were going to fall if they let go I couldn’t tell if it was desperate or controlling. I’ve been getting this strange feeling from this guy ever since like I should avoid him but all he ever does is say hello to me and recently looked like he was in a lot of pain. This dream startled me and woke me up in the middle of the night and I stayed up for the rest of the night. Now I just can’t stop thinking about it.
I have a feeling that it’s like you want to help them, but you know that if you invest yourself into that person you might get hurt more than they would be healed/helped because sometimes we aren’t in a good enough position ourselves to try and save someone else that needs help that are probably going to drain our energy and affect our state.
I had a dream that a demon dog was stalking me, and only I knew it was a demon but everyone else was ok with it. I kept trying to get it out of my house and banish it to hell, but it kept coming back. I was friends with this girl, and she is actually a girl from another dream I had where the girl kills a witch but vanishes in the process. Now she’s returned in my dreams months later. In this dream, she’s a Goth girl, and an eagle with a stitched mouth is sewn onto her dress. Why has she come back into my dreams months later?
I dad hysterectomy over 20 years ago but i have a repeated dream that im having a period a heavy one but i cant find any where to change everywhere i go is filthy. Or i dream i cant find my way home i recognise where i am but i just cant get to where i need to go
Hi, I’ve read on the symbolism of neglected animals but feel that it does not completely pin-point of the feeling I felt during my recurrent dreams;
I’ve dreamt a lot that I would decide to shelter some animals I found(honnestly I don’t know where they come from, the dream starts with me acquiring some animals in need), small kittens and rabbits, and more. Until (a day, a moment after?) I notice that they are so many in my basements that its like I’m hoarding them. There’s so many that I have this huge anxiety because I’m almost stepping on them, I hear small sounds coming from a shoe box hidden somewhere with a litter of baby animals inside, they are everywhere and I don’t know how many there is, then I realise that some may be burried in a spot where I can’t even find them or reach them and some are gonna die and starve because I can’t possibly take care of all of them and save them, and the feeling is really not nice. I’ve had this dream about 3 or 4 times already. I don’t have a feeling that the animals represent me, because I’m me in my dreams and have a feeling they represent more something I’m doing for someone or other people, or me. (I never really sheltered animals, I have one Cat pet and that’s it, but I love animals, so the dreams feel almost plausible) Perhaps that I wan’t to help others so bad that It becomes a bad thing for me and them because I forget myself, or something? What do you think?
In my dream I was driving a motorcycle to a private airport my pants was orange and green camouflage I parked the motorcycle and got on a helicopter the dream skips to a airport and I walk up stairs then it cuts to 3 weeks later and I am walking down the stares and my mom is at the bottom waiting for me I was in the millitary and I told my mom that I was being deployed in couple weeks for 3 months she asks me what branch I am in I completely forgot the name then it came to me and I said it but I dont remember the name and it started with a M and I know it’s not the marines my uniform was orange and green camouflage but I hug my mom and I told her we need to go pick up my motorcycle because I left it at the private airport and the dream skips over and I am about to grab my motorcycle I noticed it was gone someone stole it and that is the end.
I saw death of someone in the East Coast who most people hate from a fire or assassination in my dream. I also saw treatment for the Coronavirus sometime in May in my dream; it was a pill that blue and white or just light blue.
I’m an 11-year-old girl, I have been having a dream repeatedly. It’s a room shaped like a circle, there are lots of girls that are pregnant in it, I don’t anyone there, I go into a room that has white walls and a black floor, there’s a woman who looks like my best friend but looks different in multiple ways, she keeps saying “The are coming, be careful” to me, I turn around to leave but there are 3 men dressed in all black blocking the way out, the woman behind me keeps out “Their here!” repeatedly, I can tell shes scared, I start to cry not knowing why, then the man in the middle says “We need the girl behind you, ma’am” for some reason I yell No and hug the woman behind me, then the men grab me and push me to a wall and grab the woman and leave, then I wake up. What does it mean??
I have had to dreams in the past 7 yrs of my marriage that I called out two different women’s name who I dont know I dont remember the dreams. Again I have no idea who these women are.
Well i had a dream in which my boyfriend was having a daughter and many dogs(he wanted to have many dogs in the future)but i was not the mother.I was with another man and i was searching for my boyfriend and on my way i saw many babies and children
I dream that, I was building the house my mum left before she late,Alldo am bricklayer, she has complete it ,so on that work she appeared to me, said that this how should i be doing it,and she started beaten me,so before I wake up from my dream my phone rang it was my father calling me telling me that what are they going to do to his mum house,that is how I wake up from dream.
last night I dreamed about my long distance boyfriend, in that dream we both broke up and I have a new lover. then after a lapse of years he’s still single and still likes to call to say that he still loves and misses me. he even cried
Hi can you help me with my dream,
last night I dreamed about my long distance boyfriend, in that dream we both broke up and I have a new lover. then after a lapse of years he’s still single and still likes to call to say that he still loves and misses me. he even cried
Hi, I am now in my early 50’s but can’t stop thinking about a dream I frequently had as a child. A sack of potatoes is placed on the top of a grassy hill. The sack is knocked over and the large dirty potatoes roll down the hill crushing the beautiful delicate white daisies at the bottom of the hill. Please give me your feed back on this dream as I still often think about it all these years on. Thank you in advance.
I would like to see if someone has any idea of my death dream. I dreamed I chose to go to an euthanasia clinic and be euthanized. I left no notes behind or any explanations to my family of why I chose that. Then my spirit returned to the home where we live. A couple of years had passed, my partner was single and still completely devastated by my choice, out toddler had grown and I, as a spirit, regretted my human decision.
What does this mean?
Thank you