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How can I have a lucid dream? Is it safe?
Even though lucid dreaming is safe, there are certain things to avoid doing, at least in the beginning.
What Not To Do In A Lucid Dream?
Certain actions in a dream state will excite you too much, and end the lucid dream almost immediately. Other actions can lead to confusion or unpleasant (and scary) feelings.
Now we will focus on what not to do in a lucid dream. Here are the 15 actions that you should avoid doing inside your dream world.
These actions may lead to unpleasant moments. This article will also guide you on how to minimize negative outcomes.
Now, let’s begin!
*NOTE: It is possible that you tried some of the actions below and nothing really happened. Lucid dreaming is based on the individual experience. The following points have worked for people in the past.
1. Don’t close your eyes.
2. Don’t just walk around, aimlessly.
3. Don’t do things in a lucid dream that’s too similar to your waking life memories.
4. Don’t do exciting things, too much and too soon.
5. Don’t kill people.
6. Don’t think about your real body.
7. Don’t wish for something scary.
8. Don’t make a real person in your life a consistent target of fantasy.
9. Don’t spend too much time lucid dreaming.
10. Do not spin around too fast.
11. Do not look into the mirror.
12. Do not focus on negative, scary thoughts.
13. Do not fly too soon.
14. Do not lay down.
15. Do not leave things for later.
1. Do not close your eyes
Perhaps you experienced this already. Often, when you close your eyes in a dream, that provokes awakening.
So, imagine, you have a lucid dream. Would you instead explore and enjoy your fantastic dream world, or you would close your eyes and wake up?
If your goal is to wake up, then you can do it.
In other cases, don’t close them for too long, or be careful if you decide to do it.
2. Do not just walk around aimlessly
Lucid dreaming takes quite some practice. It requires building habits and commitment.
The important thing: Don’t lucid dream with no idea what you want to do.
When you succeed and reach this particular state of consciousness, you should use it.
Walking around aimlessly is just the wrong way to spend your time in a lucid dream.
But don’t feel pressured, you don’t have to anything so special. You can explore the dream rather than nothing.
3. Do things in a lucid dream too similar to your waking life memories
This is a tricky one!
If you do similar things to your waking life memories or even activities, you risk mixing up lucid dreaming memories, with real memories.
Imagine that you lucid dream of something you want to happen in your real life, such as asking your boss for a promotion. You may end up thinking that you really had this conversation.
This is why a dream journal is ALWAYS a good idea.
It will not only enhance your lucid dreaming but also will prevent you from wondering ”Did this happen or not.”
So remember:
Don’t dream about a real conversation with real people. Dream memory can mix up with real-world memory, so be careful.
4. Do not do exciting things (such as lucid dreaming s*x)
Of course, you would like to experience some intimate lucid dream fantasies That’s completely fine.
If you are a beginner, who started to have lucid dreams, then you will want experiment with more exciting things.
Be aware that this action is having the potential to make you overly excited, which will trigger awakening almost immediately.
Especially as a beginner, you won’t know how to keep the lucidity for a more extended period. You are very prone to wake yourself up.
Nevertheless, you can still try it. Feel free to experiment, but don’t focus only on that.
Being in a lucid dream gives you the advantage of doing ANYTHING you wish for, even things that are IMPOSSIBLE in real life.
There are so many amazing things that you can do in a lucid dream.
Check some of the most amazing lucid dreaming benefits here, and decide for yourself how would you spend your time in the dream world.
Many people wanted to learn lucid dreaming precisely because they wanted to have intimate lucid dreams.
However, if you are more advanced, you can do almost ANYTHING you want… so, once again, why would you waste time on something that can potentially cut your lucid dreaming time, and wake you up?
5. Do not kill people
This is probably not the best thing do to in a lucid dream. Do you want to know why?
The answer is simple – usually, everybody in your dreams represents a part of you, whether the character is someone that you know or a stranger.
With that said, harming ANYONE in your dream is like harming yourself. Of course, you won’t hurt physically yourself, but what about mentally?
Overall, you can do so many things that are more meaningful and interesting than hurting someone.
6. Don’t think about your real body
Thinking about your actual, physical body, laying down in your warm bed, may cause awakening.
The thought of your sleeping body will most likely help with losing lucidity, and you don’t want that!
7. Do not wish for something scary
If you use this lucid dreaming command, things might turn out very ugly.
Your subconscious mind knows your deepest fears. So asking for something scary is something that you should think about in advance.
One of the benefits of lucid dreaming is to use it as a tool to overcome your phobias and fears.
Yet, it really can be a double-edged sword.
It is one thing to be afraid of heights and to overcome this fear through flying or jumping with a parachute. However, deep down, there might be something much more frightening.
So, be sure you know what you are doing if you decide to ask for something scary.
8. Do not make a real person in your life a consistent fantasy
Imagine that you like someone in real life.
Then you start to lucid dream about this person all the time. You will create this fake connection with this person, and this thing can’t end up well.
Maybe you will create a wrong idea about the personality of this person if you don’t know him/her, whereafter, when you meet, the chances of you being disappointed are high.
Or you might enjoy dreaming about that so much that you will end up spending more time dreaming, than actually living your life.
Just know that there is a thin line, and if you cross it, it won’t be good.
9. Do not spend too much time lucid dreaming
You need to have a BALANCE.
Balance is the key to everything. If you do something too much, it doesn’t matter if it is lucid dreaming, healthy eating, working out, etc. If you OVERDO something, then it might turn out badly.
For instance, if you focus too much on healthy eating, this can invade your mind and restrict you from so many things in life. Plus it might produce negative results.
If lucid dreaming overtakes you, you may end up focusing only on reaching the state, ignoring real-life things and even neglecting your real-life and relationships.
If you are already a lucid dreamer, you may spend hours and hours of just lucid dreaming, not focusing on anything productive for your waking life.
Simply put, it can turn out in obsession, and you want to avoid that.
10. Do not spin around too fast or too long
Spinning around is a great stabilizing lucid dreaming technique. However, if you do it for too long, it may wake you up.
Not everything works every time in a lucid dream. It requires practice, trial, and error until you find your way of doing it.
Also, especially if you are a lucid dream beginner, you might not perform it correctly, which will cause awakening.
So, if you want to spin around for whatever reason, let’s say stabilizing your dream, focus on your goal.
Be sure that you repeat to yourself “I will stay in this lucid dream,” or something similar.
11. Do not look into the mirror
Be prepared for this tricky action.
Looking at a mirror in your dream might be a very interesting experience, but it might be also a scary one.
However, know that most commonly, you won’t see yourself and how you normally look, but a different version of you, based on how you feel about yourself.
So, it could be a great experience, but it is possible to be the exact opposite, too.
Just have in mind that before experimenting with dream mirrors. You might want to wait until you know you feel good, happy and positive, rather than sad or depressed.
The feelings will reflect on the mirror, so be sure they are good.
12. Do not focus on negative, scary thoughts
It seems obvious, right?
Don’t think about scary and negative things, while you lucid dream.
If you start having all these bad feelings, it might turn into a lucid dreaming nightmare.
For instance:
You might FEEL trapped in the dream, and the time you spend in could feel like an eternity or some scary creatures might start popping up.
Your subconscious mind is a powerful thing. So trust me, you don’t want to feel like you are in a dream forever.
You cannot be stuck in a lucid dream, nor nothing physically bad can happen to you.
However, mentally, you might wake up all frightened, exhausted, and confused, which is not the point of lucid dreaming.
Just be sure to avoid any weird thoughts or negative lucid dream commands, and you will be alright!
13. Do not fly too soon
Don’t get me wrong, flying is amazing, and you SHOULD do it! But have a bit of patience.
Two negative things can happen if you try to fly too soon.
If you try to fly in your first lucid dreams, you might not succeed, which will only frustrate you and possibly wake you up.
Second thing, you might be able to fly, but that will get you so excited, that will also cause awakening.
Just try to stabilize the dream before trying anything.
14. Do not lay down
This one is related to number 6, which was ”do not think of your real body.”
It’s pretty obvious, but if you lay inside your lucid dream, it is possible to feel more connected to your physical body. Why is that bad?
It’s not a good idea simply because that will increase the chances of waking up tremendously.
Laying down can first aid of losing lucidity, and then you might wake up.
So, just don’t lay down or if you want to do it, try to do it for not too long, and focus on the environment around you.
15. Do not leave things for later
If you meet someone or see something that you want to check, do it! Do not leave it for later.
If you decide that you will first do something else and then you will go back, think again.
See, in a lucid dream, everything is shifting and changing.
The moment you go away from this particular person or a place, the chances of finding it again are not impossible, but low.
What’s more, inside the dream world, we don’t remember everything for too long, too.
So, you will probably forget about the thing you wanted to do.
Simply stated, if you want to do a specific action at a particular moment, do it. If you wish to talk to someone, go and talk. Otherwise, you risk losing the moment!
Create The Best Lucid Dream
Remember that these 15 actions are just recommendable to avoid; however, if you want to, you can do them.
Maybe the outcome will be different for you or you want to explore some of these acts.
The point of this article is to inform you of the negative outcome that some actions might occur if you decide to do them.
If you want to learn more about how SAFE is to lucid dream and if there are any dangers, read this article where we cover the most common questions.
Have you ever tried some of these actions? What was the outcome?
Share in the comment section below!
I’m seriously concerned. I spent days in a 1 hour dream and I was being tormented by beings…
I have lucid dream experience and I know when something is being generated by my will and when something is being generated based on subconscious fears…
This was neither. This was something different.
When i woke up I looked in a mirror and saw a demon crouching on my chest.
I have not slept since. This was not a dream. This was real life.
Am i going crazy? Is it wise to fight these creatures in my dream?
Is there a sure fire way to exit a multi layer dream? This was at least a 20 layer dream…
I’m terrified.
My God. Try some meditation or perhaps if you really need to. Some religious stuff such as Sage or a crucifix maybe even out holy water on your forehead before you go to bed. Prayers for you 🙂 Goodluck! I believe in you
This may be a case of sleep peralasys
Jesus! Are you serious? That outcomes scares the living shit out of me! Once I was trapped in a sleeping paralysis, there was this shadowy figure standing away towards my bed. I was quite afraid though I have never been inside of a lucid dream before. My subconscious is extremely diffused, I usually imagine rather scary thoughts I’m unsure if I should do such a thing. Is your subconscious naturally evil? I try to think positive thoughts when I’m on the verge if sleeping although I can’t. In various dreams I’ve encountered symbols of figures that try to inform me of me being “the one”. The person destined to change things. My dreams are quite weird, I even have a book that describes the most wildest dreams I ‘ve experienced during my life. I haven’t discovered a person with dreams like my own so…reply back please?
me too! this happened last night (it was my first time lucid dreaming, i wasn’t even doing it on purpose it just happened)
The shadowy figure at the end of your bed is a failsafe created by your subconcoius to keep you in your body. Also, sleep paralisys is another form of bodily defence to keep you in your body. Should you encounter these again,.. dont’ be afraid. Be embracing, be loving, be happy. The moment you realize you are dreaming, make sure to say it in your lucid state. If you the old hag on your chest, or a shadowy figure at the end of your bed again or some form of sure to reach out and say that you are love, you are forgiveness, you are the light. Then try and sit up. It’s only natural to feel fear in these states, but it’s because you are exploring the unknown. That feeling is 100% perfectly natural and ok. Just try and be calm. Smile and focus on sitting up in that state. You are close to out of body experiences. Good Luck!
that was sleep paralasis-
You are talking about ENIGMATIC SPACE, which is transpersonal. It is NOT an inherent factor of the dream state, but also of waking life (just as a dream’s environmental monitoring is as dreams are concurrent processes, something that hardly anyone ever seems to understand). I have studied tens of thousands of dreams, both lucid and non-lucid (I have been a natural lucid dreamer since earliest memory with no need to “practice” it or bring it about and also heavily utilize dream control in non-lucid dreams), and will state that I do not agree with (or in some cases even comprehend) a single thing in this article.
Thanx always wanted to what that was, sometimes shits me to tears
I don’t want to lucid dream but it happens on its own. Last dream I had, I was walking outside towards the building where I work. I went inside and two individuals there got in line in front of a door to go inside, but the glass door wouldn’t open. The female indiv. needed to go in desperately. I work in a hospital in an OB department, except in the dream it was an administrative side and he begged me to let her go in front even though I worked there. I said OK. I looked for a different route, and ended up in an unknown area of the building where I laid down and looked out the window through a magnifying glass and saw the moon rotating and saw all aspects of the moon magnified. Then I ran to go find her and I was caught up in Large sound vibration waves that I could see shifting into my dimension and feel hit my entire body like a loud gong! Maybe like five times, it felt like an earthquake but I could see the waves forming and distorting everything in my dimension as if it were natural gas on a hot day seen in the horizon. Then I left and it was night, and I saw my face in a mirror and I had no expression like the mona lisa, except one of my eyeballs was as big as a marble and completely black. What does this mean?
I have had one lucid dream (i was 7 yo then) and i thought “wait i am dreaming, that means i can fly”. I was basically flying my whole dream :/
I have weird things similar to this. First it helps to make sure you’re in a dream by doing the finger through hand thing. However, I believe there are spirits in this world so it might not even be a lucid dream. As long as you don’t let the spirit in it won’t do anything. This may sound crazy but I have had issues like this before except not as severe. To fight in a dream you just have to be careful and believe (like when you were younger in Santa Claus) that the spirit or demon can’t do anything and know what you dream of can infect your mental state.
Another good way to tell if your in a dream is to look at a clock as your mind has no real cincept of time in the dream world or at least a skewed one typicaly the time will either not makch up with day light cycles or you will not be alowd to view the clock face in detail.(this typically causes me to wake up)
I’ve never had a lucid dream, though I have been trying and looking forward to having one, but from the research that I’ve done, you may have had a false awakening which basically means that you woke up in a lucid dream in which you were in your bed, in your house and what not, and you think you’re awake but really you’re in a really realistic dream. You basically had a lucid dream of you waking up and you thought you actually woke up in real life. according to the research i’ve done, during a false awakening, it’s likely for you to see things such as a demon you saw in your dream.
Here’s an article about false awakenings:
I also read about someone’s experience of a false awakening and they were also attacked by a demon in it, and that they had experienced that multiple times, until they decided to try to confront the demon and I guess you could say lost the fear of it and the demon got scared and jumped out a window. What I’m assuming by connecting this experience and connecting the stuff in the article on this website is that the demon they saw was there because of their subconscious, and they fought that fear in their subconscious and got over that fear or something like that. Anyways, I hoped I helped and that you have good lucid dreams (that’s if you’re willing to continue lucid dreaming)
Ive lucid my life almost like deja Vu.know where you are Control is key. Knowing is essential. Be the key is best advice! Then you can bend the world! It’s your head!
I had a false awakening one time. I am currently 12 yrs. old, and this happened about 2 months ago. I imagined I got out of bed, and I lived my whole day in a dream. I got out of bed, got ready and went to summer camp. I remember eating dinner with my parents and watching them leave, then i went to my cabin and went to bed. Has anyone else dreamed an entire day?
I’m sorry about that. It was just a nightmare, lucid dreaming sounds fun but scary I’m looking forward to doing it but carefully
It’s called sleep paralysis, it’s is recommend you can see a doctor for such a thing, but the main thing is to remember it’s just you subconscious mind. Remember it’s a powerful tool and it can make you see or hear things that aren’t there. But the main fix to this is to stay away from the feeling of fear, if you see them try and resist fearing it or things might just turn up worst than they started. Try jogging or meditating, even talking to someone and expressing it might help. Those type of thoughts and occurrences WILL get worst if you bottle them up I know from personal experienced
its just the rem cycle getting messed up btw i saw a scp looking skinless person just staring at me crawling across my floor
My friend, I am not an experienced lucid dreamer. I have just recently began my experiments. Our minds are an amazing thing, open, beautiful, brilliant. All good things have a dark side. Beware of the other side. Do not have negative thoughts. You control your mind, YOU are YOU! If you have such will power, you will slay the beast that dwells within you in that sleep paralysis/lucid dream, and over come your fears and truly have an amazing experience with lucid dreaming. God bless you, and good luck.
Prayers from merica
I agree about the mind being a beautiful and brilliant things, but can i add something to that? I think if you have mildly negative thoughts, it can be okay and help you face down your fears. I am not a girly girl, so i don’t really like my lucid dreams to be flying through cotton candy clouds and bouncing on gumdrops sort of thing. I like mine to be a little more realistic and have a purpose, for example facing down a fear, or getting new ideas for a project, etc. I have had lucid nightmares before, and they are not pleasant. So that’s why I think mildly negative thoughts or feelings may help, not harm, you.
Don´t worry, i have Lucid dreams all the time since i was a kid and it really scared me out because most of them were all demons and nightmares, so i actually tried to get rid of lucid dreaming because it freaks me out, but i actually found out that most of them have a meaning and they want me to get rid of my fear. So today i had a weird feeling that am gonna lucid dream and its not gonna be good, because i had a feeling telling me to practice killing things and someone with a knife, I thought it was stupid but i couldn’t resist the feeling no matter what i did, so i had to go to the kitchen and start practicing. WISH ME LUCK AM GOING 2 BED RIGHT NOW!!!
Thats sleep paralysis. The being you saw is really typical. Since you muscles are frozen your chest can’t expand with you lungs which causes pressure on your chest making it feel like something is resting on you. Since sleep paralysis is naturally scary, usually some scary creature fills in the spot. It’s perfectly normal and safe though. The best thing to do is realize what’s happening and stop it from getting worse. Your subconscious is fueled by your emotions, if your scared it will get more scary but if your calm I believe it will stay the same, I don’t think things can get better in sleep paralysis but you can stop them from worsening.
This is most likely sleep paralysis
No. No sage, no holy water, no crucific. I recommend to go to your nearest christan church and talk to the pastor about your dream. This is a nightmare, and Satan and his devils are trying to scare you. They only way you can escape this is through Jesus. I also recommend this to others. God bess you all.
Pray to God that the devil will stop messing with u the devil is given you fear and u should fight the good fight and cast him out
O my god I am scared but I haven’t even tried it????
well it was like I was having sleep paralysis when I was awake I was just on my laptop hen i decide to look up across my room I see this SCP looking guy with no skin-crawling across my bedroom floor staring at me not saying anything then It disappeared when it got to my other side of my room i was like O-O
I was stuck in a lucid dream for what seemed like a week. I don’t know how this happened but I started crying because I thought I couldn’t wake up or I was dead. Then I was at my own funeral and all my family was there crying and I actually thought I was dead. Should I continue lucid dreaming if I get stuck like this. It was weird because if actually felt like a week or two
you should never think your trapped in a lucid dream i’ve only lucid dreamed once but you can’t possibly be stuck in a nightmare,dream, or lucid dream you PROBABLY just put that thought in your mind so your subconscious just went with it.
Hi i just have lucid dream earlier but i dont know how this my first time entered in lucid dream. In my dream world i become a spy then turned out to be a normal person so i start exploring then i start grabbing every man dick then someone ask me for sex and he wants to take me in the darkest corner in that place then some spirits appear i wave in some but there is one that is very different and has strange and creepy aura. But there is a man who is very familiar i saw in my lucid dream like i see him before in unknown place and moment we have eye to eye contact and interacted for a short period of time then creepy stuff appear in from time to time the he said “bye, wake up” then im starting to feel scared and i said “wake up please i want to wake up” then i wake up.
Is it scary orrr ????????
I found a good tell for whether your in a dream is looking at a clock as you will not be able to manifest the proper time which typically triggers awakening or atleast can healp regain control. Also one of the things inception did right on was the totems, in a sense that in real like physics wont alow a top to spin for ever but a dream state will, spin a top or roll a die, if it continues to spin or the die only lands on one it could mean you are dreaming.
I’ve never tried lucid dreaming but am highly considering it to improve myself as a person. Does this actually work? As someone who has never done this i would like to ask, the subconscious is a powerful thing, would i have full control over my subconscious in a lucid dream?
Hey Donny. Yes, it does work!
It depends, and it is completely individual. Some might have full control over their subconscious in a lucid dream, while others, might be just aware that they are dreaming – without having any control (or very little).
It is very hard to say until you don’t experience it. Also, in case you don’t have full control, there are ways and techniques that can help you to gain more control over the dream.
Check some of my beginner’s guides and experiment, until you reach the state of awareness inside your dreams 🙂 Good luck.
Guide recommendations:
Yes, I have lucid dreamed or OBE’d into outer space. I don’t understand what is my subconscious obsession with outer space and the moon and stars and planets but I seem to go there or want to go there a lot. I took an afternoon nap and traveled all the way to a distant planet lightyears away. I saw swirls of colors and felt lots of pressure in my forehead and throbbing in my forehead. I knew I was going through space because it was very fast and twirly. I ended up on some planet that starts with the letter “V” I don’t remember more than that. I was watching some things going on but I was not seen by them. There was another traveler with me, I don’t know who, but I was not alone on my journey.
When I start to Lucid dream I’m so aware of it so much and I had many let me tell you . And I hate Lucid dreaming ,I found it so real that the only way I knew I was dreaming is that I would get out of bed and turn the light on and knew then I was dreaming cause the light would not turn on.It was so real so I tried to go back to bed and try to wake myself most times trying to wake with no result..I try many things to wake myself like jumping off my bed and trying to harm myself anything to wake up.i guess I dislike Lucid dreaming because through child hood and much in adult dreaming were always very negative and had many nightmares and afraid the Lucid dream may turn very negative often thinking during my dream state that it could go wrong at any moment and I try to wake myself. But Again, they are so real to life the only way I knew but I was Livid dreaming was trying to turn on any light only then I knew I was dreaming and tried many times to lay in bed trying to wake myself most times without hope in doing so and afraid I won’t wake up..After waking up and had a cig. and finally going on line and googling questions why this is happening to me and I only them I found out it was called Licid dreamimg and then after many I sat down on the computer and ask how to wake from them let me to write this..Maybe I need to go back to bed and get a good night sleep.
Please any feed back with some similar dreaming as mine I like to hear from you..Much Mahalo’s for reading..Will.
There are different trigger points in the lucid dreaming state that can wake you up. I can only lucid dream in a familiar place. It could be home or an apartment I lived for a year. I can only lucid dream in these familiar spaces. If I am lucid dreaming in my home (physically sleeping in my home), I can float up and down different storeys and rooms because of its familiarity and similarly I can float around different rooms if I am dreaming in my apartment. Everything beyond these familiar spots is pitch black. If I look outside the window, I see nothing but black. This is not a normal black, it’s like there is literally nothing but black outside. In my lucid dream, it’s always dark in the room but I can still see the bed and things lying around but I cannot see anything outside. For a reality check, I do go to the light switches, which won’t work and I will know I am lucid dreaming.
I neither meditate or sleep with the thought of lucid dreaming, it happens naturally. I still don’t have full control over it because I start to panic. Things went horribly wrong one time when I was lucid dreaming, it was like I was being tested for my worst fears.
A backstory: I used to get sick a lot when I was little (maybe 3- 4), so my mom would often stay near my bed. There were times when she had to go cook and I couldn’t find her in the room when I woke up. So, I would call her and she would immediately run down the stairs to calm me down. I anticipated hearing her run down the steps on the wooden stairs and she would be there with me within seconds. Now, in this terrible lucid dream, I was standing in the room, confused because everything is dark. I call my mom, I could hear her coming down the stairs but she didn’t come. I didn’t hear her voice just the sound of her coming down the stairs. I know it is her because of the pattern of her steps of running down the stairs. Then I ran/floated upstairs, I saw my sister near the window with her head hung down crouching. I called her from half step on the stairs she didn’t respond. I called her again and again, she slowly lifted her head and looked my way. Her eyes were completely white, there was no pupil. I from this point knew that things would get really bad if I stay in this dream so I ran/floated down the stairs to the closest room, opened the windows and jumped out even though it was pitch black. This immediately woke me up from the lucid dream. I from this point knew that the trigger point for me to wake up was to jump out of the window. I have lucid dreamt several times after this and I jump out of the window every time I want to wake up which always works. The interesting thing is you don’t fall when you jump out, you just wake up. However, in my case, a forced waking up from the lucid dreaming state is always followed by multiple sleep paralysis. So, nowadays, I just jolt myself and sit upright rather than lying down on the bed to prevent sleep paralysis after a forced lucid dreaming wake up which fails most of the time but still learning this technique.
I talked with another person who also lucid dreams. She said the trigger point for her to wake up is turning on the water faucet. So, it is different for every person. You have to be in the lucid dream long enough to figure out the trigger point to wake yourself up.
Lucid dreaming is not the same as vivid dreams. I think you are confused on that point, like most people.
I’ve had lucid dreams all my life, and I do tons of stuff in them. But sometimes it’s to where I can’t control the events, but I can control myself. I can feel the pain like it’s real, and all the emotions. Sometimes my family shows up in them and horrible things happen to them in the dream. There have been times that I wake up literally crying. And when I was in 7th grade I constantly saw dream mirrors, then I saw my perfect self, she was so flawless and pretty. Then the thing that sucks is that in 7th grade you normally wish you were prettier or someone else, so that doesn’t help. I remember this one dream where I was looking at my perfect self, then I can recall hearing this voice, just bringing me down and saying rude things to me. Then my perfect self disappeared and I realized that the voice was my old friend. (I am still in 7th grade. That dream was 3 days ago.) Last night it happened again, but I told her off. Now today I feel happy. So lucid dreams are sometimes my friends!
Lucid dreaming is my favorite part of sleeping.. It’s the realest thing other than reality. I do what I want. I think of it and next thing yaknow I’m making out with Cole Sprouce. Just kidding.. NOT! I’m 15 and it’s the bestest thing I have going for me. Not everyone has the best life or get what they want. For example: I want Chris. Chris has Jessica. I hate Jessica. I love Chris. Chris doesn’t love me. I can have Chris all the myself for as long as my sleeping schedule lasts. CHRIS IS FAKE. Anyway, lucid dreaming is to experience the inexperienced. PLEASE REPLY TO THIS IF U HAVE QUESTIONS!
if you have instagram you should add me and we can talk about the stuff that has happened
I would also add: “don’t focus on very fine details” – every time I did that I was sort of disappointed due to lack of fine details which makes me wake up: once I focus on one thing and try to visually explore it / study it (let’s say “zoom in” on a flower) I start to notice that it is fuzzy, sort of pixelated, lacks fine details and I start to realise how imperfect the dream world is and that wakes me up. Don’t look for those imperfections, just enjoy the lucid dream as a whole experience.
I like this one. Thanks for mentioning it!
If you lucid dream once, twice even more, does it mean you will always lucid dream because I hope this is not the case as I like having random dreams sometimes.
Ok right so last night I had my first lucid dream.So pretty much in my lucid dream I was waking up on a bed in an unfamiliar room.The first thing I instinctually did was say “yep I’m definitely in a dream” like idk why I said that i just did and went with it.I see a phone that was mine in the dream and for some reason decided to go to my search history ,I see a bunch of shit about aliens it was called the Alien project or sum like that.I see a mirror and I put my phone down.And decided to see what I look like.Bro..when I tell u my face was dismorphed.I literally mean I look deformed.It was funny.Eventually I got bored and decided to leave.Idk how I knew how to wake up from it but I did.So I laid back down and went to sleep in the lucid dream and woke up in real life.Im trying it again tn.Also I have these weird dreams that seem to predict the future..what does that mean bc legit nobody Ik has those
Hey Lily!
Well, that sounds like fun 😀 I’m glad you had a positive lucid dream experience. Do you have lucid dreams often?
I see you too have seen dreams predicting future
I’ve always wanted to have lucid dreams but wanted to do my research before hand.. wow, people’s experiences are so interesting though most of them are scary with all the sleep paralysis parts and demons and stuff. Really decided not to try and experiment with this.. I’m scared.
I have a friend who experiences sleep paralysis every once in a while, he tells me about he’s experiences… very unpleasant
My cousin tried this lucid dreams thing and went to false awaking, told me that he had conversations with this what seems to be a demon, tell him he was the chosen one.
I feel like this is dangerous because you’ll never know what might happen to you and what may occur.
Hi Enhle.
Thank you for sharing your worries. To be honest, when I first heard of sleep paralysis, I also felt like lucid dreaming is not worth trying. But at the same time – I was very curious. The very, very first time I tried to lucid dream – I was lying down, and I was waiting for the sleep paralysis. Probably about 20 minutes or so, I started to feel my body stiff, and I got so afraid. I panicked because I thought I am about to experience sleep paralysis, and then I moved my body, and I stopped the process.
Sleep paralysis can be terrifying. But it is not real. So my advice is to understand it completely- just read about it. In that case, you will be prepared, and you will know to want to expect. Also, the truth is that not everyone is having bad sleep paralysis experiences. I have a few articles about sleep paralysis, so feel free to check them out. Or just do a google search and read about it. I’m sure that once you understand why it happens, and how to stop it (or how to transfer it into a lucid dream) you won’t be that afraid.
Wait, if i expirience sleep paralysis, is that mean I am in lucid dream?
My first lucid dream was AWESOME I went outside and I was on A FLOATING ISLAND I first started flying I was good at flying on the ground there were POKEMON I went down to the ground and I looked at my left and professed oak was there he then gave me a 3 poke ball one with bulbasuar charmander and squirt all I choose all three and he gave me 999999 master balls! I looked at the Pokemon and saw ship spaceship known as the aruora from subnautica I then lost all the Pokemon! I nearly panicked but calmed down in subnautica the aruora crash on a planet with loads of water and alien fish! I was hyped! I jumped on idk why then we crashed I nearly cryed cuz I forgot about the crash and there’s aliens that can kill you! I found the captain and got out I swam to a life pod as fast as I can I put him in then I get in I get the Medkit and heal him I get ores tools submarines I then fight a reaper leviathan witch I recked it with guns I got with the power of dreams! It was a AK-47 made out of 0110101010100101010101010001001001011101001s so I named it decoder I then realised I have the master balls Nani I found a another reaper leviathan I yeeted a master ball at it and catched it! I then wake up JK I got knocked out I then woke up for real I thank you for teaching me about lucid dreaming!
My son would be so jealous of your dream. Heck, that’d be fun for me to dream too. I just had my second lucid dream. Kind of worried I’m going to start preferring being asleep to real life.
I had a dream the other night and it felt so real. I don’t know what it was, but I was able to see my own body asleep, but I knew I was sleeping, and I could see myself exactly how I looked in real life…my tablet right next to me and my earbuds in my ears. Anyway I have a carpet in my room and I heard a noise like coins hitting the carpet nonstop and the speed would increase and it would become louder…with the coins was also a voice…there was no figure, no being, no physical creature, just a voice that sounded like a demonic female, or like a female voice speaking through a fan.
It scares me that I can remember what that voice said to me word for word. The words it said really freaked me out. I couldn’t move my body, but I could move my eyes. I couldn’t speak. I tried screaming, but it didn’t work…a muffled “go away” was all I could get out. I was crying too….I couldn’t even get myself to wake up and I wanted to wake up!
The voice said to me these exact words:
“You are not alone. We have been watching you. We know your fears. We know your secrets, We know your flaws. We know your worries and your doubts. We have been watching you…waiting…waiting for the right time for us to take control. Now the time has come and we are preparing. Your time of life…your reign of control…is coming to an end. We are coming. You can not escape us. It is our time now…We are coming for you…Your life will soon be ours…Everything you love…everyone you care about…they will all be gone…Just like you! Our time has come. We’re ready and we’re hungry…We will feast on you, your fears, your worries, your doubts, your flaws, your secrets, your wounds, your heart, your body, and your soul. We have been preparing your body for our arrival. We are here….and we are coming for you. Fight if you want, but you won’t win. We are stronger than you, faster than you, smarter than you, and better than you. Your time has come to an end. Goodbye to you and hello to a new us. You can not run. You can not hide. Don’t try to fight this, because you can not escape a d you will never escape. TONIGHT YOU’RE MINE!”
I don’t know what to make out of that, but I’m really freaked out. As soon as it had finished speaking I was finally able to move both in real life and in whatever that was. As soon as it ended I sat up so quickly on my bed and I felt the tears on my face…and my throat hurt a lot. I also felt the hair on the back of my neck rise up, like my body knew someone was looking at me, except I was alone in my room. I also felt what I think was a hand, but it was long and almost seemed like it had claws. It felt so real, and now it keeps reoccurring! I don’t know what to do and I’m really freaking out. This thing was threatening me…I’m only 16! I still have a life I want to live and I’d like to live it in peace. I don’t know whether to believe this was a dream or if it was real. It doesn’t help now that I keep seeing something move from the corners of my eyes. I’m really freaked out and I don’t know what to do. Any advice or ideas? Please help me.
Hey Felicia.
I’m so sorry that you had this experience. The truth is that it sounds like a dream to me, or more accurately, like a sleep paralysis episode. You can read more about sleep paralysis on my website. I can reassure you that you shouldn’t worry, because worrying won’t help anything. Just read as much as you can to understand more about the experience you had. Also, you can read about astral projection – that is when your astral body leaves your physical body – an experience that it is still not proven, but a lot of people experience it. Please, try to be as calm as possible, and just read about the topics here:
I have been trying to lucid dream for a week or two and I have been doing reality checks and even meditating and I still haven’t had one. Please tell me what I am doing wrong
Try listening to those meditation music for lucid dreaming while you go to sleep. Im going to do that now
I feel like I have mastered the sleep paralysis. I know my position and I know how to wake myself from it. I do resist it sometimes and that works and other times its a dream that become sleep paralysis but I have confronted my fears and battled it out head on.One time, I saw an archangel come so fast like lightning to lift this thing off me. One time, I saw it bouncing off the walls ( a dark entity) and I grabbed it out of the wall by the neck. It was squirming like a bug.
I have very lucid dreams EVERY night. I talk to the people in my dreams about who they are. They don’t freak out when they realize I know it’s just a dream and they’re not “real”. Which leads me to believe that they knew before I told them. I have very pleasant dreams. I think this is because I can control every single aspect of the dream from start to finish. If anything is negative I tend to shop it away. I can have deep Long our conversations with characters in my dream. I’ve never met anyone that can dream like I do. I can read books in my dream. Sometimes I meet the same people but they look differently. Has anyone ever experienced this? I even choose the location which can be changed at any moment of my dream and shoes when to wake up.
I’d like to add that I can fly, give others the ability to fly, fix broken object with my mind, bring anything into being. I can also READ in my dream, books that are given to me by characters in my dream, and even books I’ve conjured out of thin air. My mind can do and produce ANYTHING. I dream in vivid color and meet reoccurring people in multiple dreams. Sometimes the same person will look differently in the next dream. My favorite is what I like to call “instant gardening” where I make lavish mazes out of gardens. I’ve never met anyone that can do this. My mom is SUPER religious and thinks it’s demons. ????
Yeah, I lucid dream all the time by accident, and my problem is I don’t get the type you control, I get the ones where you realize you’re dreaming and wake up. It drives me nuts! I figured out whenever it’s about to turn bad, I see a kitten with the creepiest face. Once it was a coyote… I think. I’ve never actually seen one. Somehow, I then wake up. This has been taking a good hour and a half off my sleeping each night. My mom had these too. Once, she dreamed that she was at the bottom of a pool, but couldn’t move at all, kind of like part of her brain knew what position her body was in. Then, when she couldn’t hold her breath anymore, she realized she could breath underwater. Plz tell me how to stop doing this!
Oh yeah, and I can fly in some. That’s always cool.
So I had my first lucid dream today. I saw a tiktok about it so I googled it and found out how to have one. So I didn’t end up doing it in the way that google sugested but I did have them. I had two in a row, in the span of an hour. The first one, I made a mistake. I don’t remember the setting but I do remember accidentally imagining a gigantic spider, I only saw its leg luckily. I woke myself right up and ended up in sleep paralysis. The second time it was maybe two minutes after the first one. I fell back asleep after the sleep paralysis because I couldn’t get up and I was extremely tired. So I ended up back in a lucid dream. It started out that something was happening that Id rather not say. Anyway in my dream when I accidentally thought of a cyclops mashed with a monster- Im not sure where it came from, it was on a motorcycle. The setting was a large light green room with brown double doors. I heard the motorcycle and I tried using telekinesis with my arm out to close the door but it wasn’t working. I couldn’t walk to the door. My heart started racing, so I decided to wake up. I think I just told myself to wake up and closed my eyes, I’m not sure. But I woke up, in sleep paralysis again and my heart was pounding. I was so scared that I was going to die(in my dream, not real life). I want to try lucid dreaming again but I feel like I have no control over my mind.
I am pretty new to lucid dreaming and I don’t know what I’m doing wrong but so far all my dreams have been fuzzy and all over the place. Is there anyone who can help me with this? Any suggestions?
Before I googled it I thought lucid dreaming was normal and I got informed it wasnt so I Googled some stuff and I came across the article and its helped me a lot and I’d like to say thanks before I was dreaming about normal life and acting like it was a whole new day so I can sort out problems or talk to someone and like this article said, I started getting confused about what was the dream and what was real life so I basically imagine some conversations in my dreams and dont bring then up again or if I do then the person I had the conversation with has no clue what I’m talking about so now I know I shouldn’t do that so thanks
Can lucid dreams be some sort of wind into the future because when i was in North Carolina i had a Lucid dream where i saw a sort of rainbow but some of the colors stood out more than the others (red Blue Green ) and it was like a picture but i could’t see anything else of the picture with it was all fuzzy, anyway i moved to California and started my new school in 6th grade and i had a girlfriend and she liked to do Ticktock but we ended up Breaking up but i still followed her on Ticktock i don’t know why but i felt like i had to and she made a post that surprised me because it was the picture that i had seen all those years ago, it ended up being a shirt she had on with the same red blue and green stripes. I’ve had other visions like these before i just can’t remember them right now but its crazy what the mind can do, now i believe in science and religion but can dreams also be windows into other parallel universes and has anyone else i guess had visions of the future?
my best friend experienced something like this but more dark. it wasn’t technically a lucid dream but she remembered being outside of her body. she saw herself sleeping in her bed and she was freaking out. then she “woke up” and started her morning routine as usual. she would go over to her dog, give him a hug and a kiss, and then go to the bathroom. and usually when she does that he would be sitting outside the bathroom door waiting for her but this time he wasn’t. she ran over to him and began shaking and calling his name but there was no response. she called to her parents and her dad got one of his friends. they all helped to carry him to the car to take him away. she wont up crying her eyes out. and that exact event happened that morning when she woke up.
I have recently new to this and it often happens when I wake for a small period of time and go back to sleep. I have only ever experienced sexual lucid dreams and I believe I only have ever experienced them for 30mins before waking however I have still managed to back to sleep and have control again. I have also experienced many orgasms during the last few months I have been experiencing this. Due to this I often feel some guilt as I have a partner (long relationship).
Earlier I had my first lucid dream and it wasn’t on purpose. I began dreaming and I was in front of a house in my nana’s neighborhood. And seconds after I realized I was dreaming. When I realized I was I felt like I was dropped, and all around me was blackness. I realized my eyes were closed so I opened them and I was back in front of that house. I remembered that I could do whatever I wanted in my lucid dream so I decided to go to my boyfriends house. I got there and i could find him. I found my younger sleeping on his couch haha. I also remembered that you can feel everything so I reached out and I could feel her. I was completely amazed. Because it was my first time I got worried and I didn’t want to be in there long. I had done research and stuff about lucid dreaming and it said a way to wake yourself up is to pinch yourself, so I tried it and it didn’t work. My mind set into panic mode and my eyes opened. I went on my phone to tell my boyfriend about it but something didn’t feel right. I was looking at my phone but I could feel my eyes struggling to open. I realized I was still dreaming. I was had a lucid dream that I woke up from a lucid dream. I couldn’t get my eyes open and I started to panic, and that’s when I woke up. It was one of the scariest things that’s ever happened to me.
Ok, I’ve spent the last 3 nights lucid dreaming, and this shit is starting to get crazy, I can do whatever I want whenever I want, It is my literal sandbox. Its April 12, 2020. I’ve seen things in these dreams that I cant explain nor try to explain, it just is and something about it is magical, I’ve seen what I believe to be my scariest creation and then I conjured up a .50 cal Deag and shot it in the face till it died, I feel invincible in my dreams right after this run in with what I call my “Sleep Paralysis Demon” (No I don’t have sleep paralysis) I thought about playing Halo Reach except I didn’t want to use the controller, so I put myself into the game AND I DID. Mid match I felt the sensation of something on my back, turned around and saw nothing, but then I remembered I fell asleep with my cat, Max in the room with me and I could distinguish his paws on my back, I brushed it off and kept “playing” It was a Halo Reach online match in Battle Canyon, except I was the only one on my team, I was coming up to a rock formation when I noticed a Red, Blue, White and Pink Player, I proceed to absolutely f**king destroy this 4 man fire team with my sniper rifle, I was running around with it like it was a toy, and whilst i’m doing this Its like I was in there comms I heard their reactions to my doings, the surprise of my accuracy, the fear when they realized my game sense was there, then I heard the screams and yelling of them dying as I proceeded to put rounds downrange through their skulls, I felt like an Apex Predator. I don’t know what to make of these dreams but ill continue to have fun
I have been trying to lucid dream ever since I played the game Deep Sleep. I have been researching all day and I am really looking forward to going to bed. Wish me luck! Here’s a tip for falling asleep fast. make sure that you cover your eyes with a blanket but leave a hole so you can breathe. Then find your most comfortable position and stay still as long as you can. You will fall asleep in no time!
I feel like I have lucid dreamed a few times, but then the dream just changes and I’m back to normal dreaming. Once, though, I realized I was dreaming, so I kinda made a list of things to do. Then I pinched myself to make sure I was dreaming. It didn’t hurt, so I went to do the stuff on my list, but then something happened that made me normal dream again. I haven’t done that since for some reason. I wonder why.
I had an amazing lucid dream experience. Not sure where I was, but the scenery of nature and being right on the coast line on a hill of grass and tall open pine trees (must of been Alaska or something, I mean, who wouldn’t want to go there), it couldn’t get any better. I loved it so much…maybe a little too much. When there are bears in your dreams, don’t get to close. It is scarier than you think in a dream. I knew I was dreaming so I thought I could pet the bear, which I did, but they came after me then huffing, snorting and growling at me. Luckily it was dream so I could run with ease and no fatigue. After that, it was all sunshine and rainbows. Snow Geese passing over in huge flocks and foxes roaming around with the calm waves pushing against the shore line. It was so good, you could let go of all your stress without a sound. So peaceful and beautiful.
I recommend that you people listen to the song, “Share A Dream”- Leatherwolf. The keyboard/synthesizer in the intro is so magical. It is a great song to fall asleep to along with the message/idea behind the song that fits perfectly with this whole dreaming thing.
Last night I had a lucid dream. I get them sometimes by accident. I was In a warped version of my childhood home, I had 3 children that I sort of summoned (this is the first time I have ever done this) I was carrying around a baby and I wanted to summon the father but I couldn’t do it. I went to lay down with the baby in my arms and felt as though I wanted to wake up but I couldn’t. Eventually I thought I had woken up my mind but my body was still unconscious and I was in my own home (thought I was no longer dreaming) but I was being kidnapped and was screaming inside my own head to wake up. Then it zapped back to the lucid dream where I’m desperately trying now to wake my self up. I slapped myself so hard in the face that I made my nose bleed and then saw my mother and I asked her why she did this to me. When I actually woke up I realised it was 3pm and I must have been dreaming for about 4 hours which is so long. Can anyone explain what on earth happened here? How did I go from lucid dreaming to normal dreaming and back again so quickly?
I think the rem cycle was glitching
when i first had a lucid dream it was scary but fun. When it started i woke up on dirt path it was pretty weird but when i took my first step i noticed a man it kinda looked like it was the mean king from the shrek movie but one half of him was like a ghost but he had red eyes i didn’t want to talk to him so i ignored there was too ways but i could go back there was a room with a very low roof that leaded to a pool but i saw the man again and i was starting to get scared then he went up to me and was kinda like he was being controlled but idk the pool was filled with snakes although i’m not scared of snakes but these snakes had horns every were ,when i went back to the to paths there was more snakes but i noticed there was a crack where i could get out ,right when i was out i was in some way teloported back in and the man was flying in front of me then i was really scared and wanted to wake up but i couldn’t then i was standing in a carnival it was night and there was a hotel so went there to spend the night my mom was there but she had no pupils but i though it was normal bc it was a dream so i went to a room and sleep but i couldn’t go to sleep so i went outside and played carnival games which was opened 24/7 i could see the man and i said to him why are you following me and he said “i’m coming for you” then i really wanted to wake up so i tried to make a trap its like i could get anything with just thinking about it i got a big trap just planted in front of me it was like i was thanos when he came back i pressed the button which set the trap off and i won after that i saw my friends Natalia, Matie, and Lucas which they looked pretty similar but no pupils but they acted the same we played and it was super fun and i even flied which was awesome then i woke up but whats wierd was that i have this EXACT dream every year. that’s my first lucid dream i have different ones too except that ones just the weirdest bc i have it every year. Did you guys ever have a repeated lucid dream?
Yeah, ive found whats interesting abt lucid vs non lucid dreaming is you tend to remember or store things differently. I remember most of my lucid dreams more vividly than some memories from the same time and have had reacouring ones.
Hi Merilin! I would like to ask what happens if you killed someone in a dream. If you killed your grand enemy. Would it really have deep consequences? How much would it affect me as a person or my mentality? Also, can you experience pain and pleasure in lucid dreams? For example, would dream sex feel the same as real-life sex, and would crashing into obstacles while flying head-first bring severe pain? I have never lucid dreamed yet but I will put a lot of effort into trying. Please answer, goodbye 🙂
Someone help me figure this out.
When I was nine, I had very vivid dreams, and I’m quite sure I was lucid dreaming. Most of them consisted of flying and using magic. I honestly don’t think I knew what I was doing, but from the start, I was aware I was dreaming.
Since then, I’ve continued having these dreams, but not in a lucid slumber. I learned how fast forward or rewind time, change people’s minds, change the direction of a situation, create dream worlds, freeze the whole world, and so much more.
I’m now able to do all of this when I’m fully awake. That part, the fully awake skill, started… maybe fifteen, twenty years ago. I’ve never figured out if there’s a name for it. I know it’s not lucid, active, or even daydreaming. Does anyone have any idea?
that was sleep paralysis-not lucid dreaming don’t worry its not real just nightmares it happens when your disrupted during the rem cycle your mind is asleep but your body is awake and your nightmares project into the real world